Guadalupe García is an Argentine Catholic journalist who participates in the activities of the 2025 Jubilee Year aimed at communicators, this weekend in the Vatican. There, he said that Catholic communicators are fundamental to transmit “with joy and serenity” the message of hope of the Gospel and managed to greet Pope Francis, with whom he even shared a mate.
The jubilee of the world of communication is an activity of the Dicasterio for the communication of the Holy See, aimed at young professionals, which takes place from January 24 to 26. It is an initiative that seeks to provide a unique space to young Catholic communicators, to meet colleagues around the world “overcoming cultural and professional differences,” explains the Vatican Dicastery.
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Garcia is one of Latin America’s representatives in the activity. In an interview with ACI Press, he commented that the communicators of the region stand out for their joy, impetus and talent to carry good news. “There are so many talented followers of Christ to whom you have to encourage to continue carrying that message,” he said.
“Even those who do this and are not here, or those who want to do it – to communicate the message of the Gospel, which today is so difficult – it is important to encourage them to put messages on the networks that are positive, that they are of hope. Let’s not stop denouncing the injustices that happen, because that must also be done, but always hoping that things can change and that everything will end well, ”he added.
For several years, “Guada” – as his friends know it – has been involved in various communication projects at the service of the Church. Thanks to the activities of the jubilee, he has approached colleagues who live various realities, including some very difficult, such as the conflict in Israel and Palestine.
“In the midst of these complicated situations in their countries, they continue working to carry the good news and are here and now with that message of hope,” said Garcia. For her, hope “is not transmitted with so many words” but with small gestures.
“A look, a smile or that closeness and empathy that makes us understand that we share the same, despite our differences we all want the same, which is to be well, be happy and make known Jesus, so that that joy All our brothers live it, ”he said.

In the classroom Paul VI, Garcia met Pope Francis, with whom he shared a mate. He says that since he arrived in Rome he had the idea of doing so, but “I saw it as something very distant” and that “until this morning I doubted whether to take the mate to the audience.”
In the midst of his journey, in which he greeted the young communicators, the Pope stopped in front of “Guada”, who decided to offer him the mate. The Holy Father accepted with pleasure, the Argentine journalist tells. “The Catholic communicators love him very much and we are very grateful to his message and with which he supports us so much,” he could tell the pontiff.
“Mine was sharing this feeling of patriotism that we have with mate, it is a culture and it is an encounter. It was very nice, ”he added.
The Pope had prepared a 9 -page speech, but preferred not to read it. On the other hand, in spontaneous words, he asked journalists to “be true” not only in the stories they tell, but also in their ordinary life.