X-ray of Poverty in Argentina: the figures encourage collaboration with Cáritas

X-ray of Poverty in Argentina: the figures encourage collaboration with Cáritas

On the eve of the Annual Cáritas Collection, which will take place this weekend, this Monday the report was presented X-ray of poverty in Argentinaprepared by the Argentine Social Debt Observatory (ODSA) of the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina.

Headed by the Bishop of Quilmes and President of Cáritas Argentina, Mons. Carlos José Tissera, the presentation took place at the Pedro Claver Community Center, belonging to Cáritas Quilmes.

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The bishop was accompanied by the researcher and specialist in Labor and Inequality from the Argentine Social Debt Observatory of the UCA, Eduardo Donza; the Executive Director of Cáritas Argentina, Sofía Zadara; and Karen Burgos, social worker in charge of supporting the Network of Community Centers of Itatí, Solano and Quilmes.

In his speech, Bishop Tissera valued the importance of the Annual Cáritas Collection, which this year has the motto “Your solidarity is hope”, and helps to support the projects that the organization carries out through its 3,500 centers throughout the world. country.

“I always say that Cáritas is like blood, which is the first to come to the wound. Wherever there is suffering, pain, there is a volunteer, or a priest, or a catechist, some Caritas servant to listen,” he highlighted.

Sofía Zadara, for her part, delved into the work of Cáritas in the poorest neighborhoods, where it is responsible for providing answers to many complex social problems. Among her areas of work are education, early childhood, work, habitat, integration of popular neighborhoods, risk and emergency management, food response and institutional development of all Cáritas agencies in the country.

Zadara pointed out that every day, a huge network of volunteers receives more than half a million people in search of food aid, with whom a community bond is generated. “It is not just the delivery of a plate of food, it is a community that embraces, it is a part of the comprehensive development that we seek,” she emphasized.

Behind the figures: the faces of poverty

Researcher Eduardo Donza, for his part, clarified that behind the figures obtained by the Social Debt Observatory of the UCA “there is a deep feeling, there are faces, there are poor or indigent families who experience hunger.”

Regarding the current situation, he considered that the crisis aggravated structural problems: “During the first quarter, poverty has exceeded 50%, and the extreme poverty rate has reached 18% of the population,” he reported.

Furthermore, one in four people in Argentina has to make some adjustment in the quantity and quality of food, a figure that reaches 32% in those under 18 years of age. For its part, 10% of the population experiences frequent hunger, and among those under 18 years of age, almost 15% find themselves in this situation of severe deprivation.

Other alarming percentages have to do with falling behind in school, employed workers whose income is not enough to escape poverty, and the increase in the sale of drugs in neighborhoods, especially in the most deprived areas of the cordons of large cities. .

How to donate to Cáritas Argentina?

With a credit card, debit card, CBU, pagomiscuentas or Mercado Pago by entering

By transfer or bank deposit in the name of Cáritas Argentina: ICBC Bank Current Account Nº 0546-02000042/42. Central House Branch 0546 – CBU 0150546702000000042422. In the name of: Cáritas Argentina – CUIT 30-51731290-4. (Alias ​​DONA.CARITAS.ARG)

By WhatsApp, at the number +54 9 11 2817-2726.

Or in cash, through envelopes and piggy banks or urns that will be distributed in parishes, chapels, missionary centers and public places such as squares, avenues or supermarkets.

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