Wooden pavilion at home on the stream

Wooden pavilion at home on the stream

Since December 21, the exhibition module and the sample “Historical tour of the city from an architectural view”You can visit at the Casa Museum Park on the stream.

The temporary pavilion Built with wood and ropes It houses a commemorative exhibition of the 150th anniversary of the city of Mar del Plata.

This interpretation center is the result of a provincial contest of ideas and draft, two laps – promoted by the Capba District IX-, which was selected the proposal of the team composed of local architects Pablo Fidel Rescia, Andrés Tapia Avalos, María José Díaz Varela, Alfonso Trueba and Julián Verón.

And adjusts to the request for the bases of “rethinking the architecture linked to the new and various ways to use public space”.

Ephemeral installation

The versatility of the device to be built allows it to be implanted in different locations without losing its meaning. The module materialized from a Collaboration Agreement signed between Capba District IX and the Tourism and Culture Entity of the Municipality of General Pueyrredón. In that sense, at the end of the Summer seasonthe pavilion could be relocated elsewhere.

Meeting beams and columns.

“The proposal avoids any direct reference or mimesis of the common places from where Mar del Plata has been seen throughout its history,” the authors say. “His Ephemeral condition refers to an artifact that is self -confirming, with a depth of reading that implies a plurality of situations that allow a Historical reconstruction from the experience of each visitor. ”

Are circular plantof 10.80 m in diameter, avoids formally referring to any architectural condition, of the environment or the city’s urban history of the city.

The module develops in a Beam plot consisting of two longitudinal, upper and lower sections, 1 ”x 4” and 1 ”x 3” uprights. The beams have heights of 0.60 m (16 beams) and 0.40 m (24 beams); and a length of 3.60 m in all cases. This difference in height PERMITE EL EXPROVE among them and the adoption of different forms of organization.

This plot is sustained by 4 column modules of 1.20 x 1.20 m composed of 4 posts of 3 ”x 3” joined by 2 ”x 6” soleras in 6 positions at the top of these columns, which link the vertical support sections. In turn, they have a drawer of phenolic full of sand that acts as “dead” to Anchor the device without assaulting the existing floor.

Between columns and beams, metal presses type fastening elements were used, composed of threaded rods, nuts and washers stainless steel, not to alter beam sections in their different positions.

These columns leave free the perimeterconfiguring an exterior route, which closes with a Textile plot of braided capes, typical of fishing arts, tied to ribs composed of 1 ”x 4” sections, subject to the brackets that make up the plot of beams and give the final form of the module.

The textile makes the architectural object a “basket”, in reference to the “medium” or the Marplatense shirtwhich are evoked by this expressive means. The limit thus refers to the productive profile of the city, complexing the common vision of the tourist city.

This plot does not reach the floor to Emphasize your ethereal conditionseeking that the pavilion becomes a space for sensory exchange, between the scope generated by a sedive canvas and the cantilever panels, which are the ones that exhibit the historical argument of the exhibition.

“In short, it is sought from a simple artifact, in its construction, in its materiality and in its form, a complex vision of the history of the cityof its growth and its future ”, summarize the authors.

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