Win or die arrives in Latin America: Testimony of faith during the French Revolution

Win or die arrives in Latin America: Testimony of faith during the French Revolution

Mottez described the production of Win or die as an “interesting challenge”, since talking about La Vendée is “almost tarnishing an immaculate myth” of the French Revolution. In France, the director noted, “you can talk about everything, you can talk about conquest, slavery, colonies. But La Vendée is very difficult to talk about.”

However, Mottez noted that the story of François Athanase Charette de La Contrie, the emblematic leader of the struggle in La Vendée, resonates today, where a “struggle that is internal and spiritual” is taking place.

The director highlighted that, especially among the younger generations, there is a tendency to fall “into very superficial things,” relegating “the real struggles, the true values” to the background.

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