Will the Superclásico get to play against Boca?

Will the Superclásico get to play against Boca?

Gonzalo Martinez He is better and little by little he is regaining his level. He evolved from his injury and is already doing training almost at the same time as his teammates. So, the return of Pity is getting closer.

According to the deadlines established with the club’s doctors and kinesiologists, the return would occur in October. Although, this Monday morning’s training session, in which Pity looked very good, with a great performance in small spaces, both in mastering the ball, passing and intensity, made more than one person excited. . Could he be on the substitute bench in the Superclásico?

The match against Boca will be played on Saturday, September 21 at La Bombonera. AND Marcelo Gallardo He will need breadth in his squad since that match will be in the middle of the quarterfinal duels of the Copa Libertadores against Colo-Colo of Chile.

If Pity could be on the substitute bench against Boca, a situation similar to last year would occur. The thing is that in 2023, Martínez returned to play a week before going to Bombonera, after recovering from a torn ligament. In that match, played on October 1 at Brandsen 805, River won 2-0 and the left-hander entered with eight minutes remaining for Enzo Pérez.

The Madrid hero had returned to Núñez with the desire to write another memorable chapter at the club, but in the January preseason of this 2024 he suffered the second tear of the anterior cruciate ligament in his left knee and today he is going through the final phase of an extensive and careful recovery before returning to the Gallardo team. In fact, last week, during the River Foundation dinner, Pity was cautious.

I am almost on par with the group and happy because there is little left, but without rushing the times. You don’t have to do crazy things. After a re-injury, the times are a little longer and you have to take everything with more patience,” commented Pity. And he added: “The legs responded well and I feel good.”

The offensive midfielder’s last game was on December 9, 2023, in the semifinal of the 2023 League Cup, since his injury occurred in preseason training in the United States.

For this reason, Martínez is eager “to be there and help from within” because he is already intensifying his work with the ball and feels that his return is very close. “I don’t have the time, it won’t be long. You have to go step by step, without going crazy. Two or three weeks doesn’t change anything,” explained the man from Mendoza.

Pity also acknowledged that “they were not easy months” for him and, therefore, he dedicated some special words to his teammates: “I thank the group, who was always with me pushing forward.” And he added: “The important thing is that the team performs well, as a group we are super united, sometimes you have to show that unity on the field. I know that everyone is going to give their best.”

Whether against Boca, or in October, Pity’s return is close and he shows it in every practice.

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