The consumption of ultra -processed food has increased alarmingly worldwide and can produce various physical health problemssuch as obesity, diabetes or cardiovascular diseases. At present, various investigations also reveal a worrying relationship between the consumption of these foods and mental health.
Ultraprocessed foods are industrial products that They contain unnatural ingredients that make them more durable and attractive (preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers, added sugars and trans fats) and that contain few components in their natural state.
Some examples are snacks, sugary cereals, meals ready to heat –instant soups, hamburgers, frozen pizzaspackaged sauces- and industrial bakery products, such as invoices or commercial mold bread.
Y They make up an important proportion of the weekly diet of many individualsfor the shortage of time to cook homemade foods or for not having a sufficient budget to buy good quality products.
They are designed to be attractive to the palate and generate a response of immediate pleasure in the brain for the production of dopamine, which can lead to excessive consumption OA A kind of food addiction.
The harmful effects are produced by several ways
One of the main ones is because they cause a silent generalized inflammation and also compromises the brain. Chronic inflammation has been identified as A risk factor in disease generation physical and depressive, anxiety or other mood disorders.
Another is through the intestine-corebro axis. The intestinal microbiota, composed of billions of microorganisms that inhabit the digestive tract, are essential for the proper production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and GABA, Keys for mood regulation.
Ultraprocessed foods, lacking fiber and containing artificial additives, They alter the normal intestinal flora and favor their imbalance negatively impacting mental health.
Despite its high amount of calories, These foods are poor in nutrients Essential for the brain, such as omega-3 fatty acids, group B vitamins and zinc and magnesium.

The lack of these nutrients affects the production of neurotransmitters and increases vulnerability to suffer from various emotional disorders.
The consumption of these products acts on the brain reward system and generate dopamine peaks similar to those observed in addictions. In the long term, this mechanism leads to a decrease in brain capacity to experience pleasure naturallywhich has been linked to Anhedonia, a key symptom of depression.
Ultraprocess consumption produces greater cognitive impairment in adultsaccording to an investigation published in Jama Neurology in December 2022.
In a world where modern food is increasingly dominated by ultraprocessed, It is essential to become aware of its effects and look for healthier alternatives to take care of the mind and body.