Why is it a disorder to attend

Why is it a disorder to attend

Question: When I was a child I was a sleepwalker to ten years; I had two again. And recently I got out of bed with my eyes closed, I entered the bathroom and felt that I was like a labyrinth, I was afraid. Then I returned to bed. (Miguel Ángel Giovannone, from CABA)

Speavering is a sleep disorder that He has fascinated and baffled to humanity Since ancient times. In the world of art and literature, characters such as Lady Macbeth (in Shakespeare’s theatrical work) or the Cesare Sound of the film are usually mentioned Dr. Caligari’s cabinet that have perpetuated the mystery of sleepwalking in popular culture.

Speaizbery is a disorder that simultaneously combines deep sleep characteristics with actions that normally occur while it is awake. That is to say, The individual performs automatic motor activities while remains in a deep sleep state.

What happens in the brain? To explain it in a simple way: some parts of the brain are “on” while others remain “off.”

It is convenient to know four regions in particular:

1) the motor cortex (responsible for controlling movements) is active, allowing The person walks, talk or do things while sleeping.

2) The prefrontal cortex (in charge of judgment, planning and decision making) is “off”, for which The sleepwalker is not aware of what he does And it does not make rational decisions.

3) The limbic system (related to emotions and instinctive reactions) may be partially active. Means that emotions like Fear, anxiety or aggressiveness can manifest without the person having control over them;

4) The visual cortex is inactive so, although The eyes of sleepwals are usually openthe part of the brain that processes the vision is “turned off.” Therefore, they can move through a known space, but they do not perceive the whole environment.

Everything happens during the sleeping sleep phase of slow waves and that coincides with that of the deepest stage of sleepone of the reasons why the person has no memory of what happened when he woke up.

More frequent in children

Speaunc It occurs more frequently in children (It can affect 1 out of 5 at some point) and, although more rare, appear or persist in adulthood.

The causes of sleepwalking are not clearly defined. / Clarín Archive

Keep in mind that, in children, the central nervous system is not fully developed, which could explain the greatest prevalence in that age. As they grow and by normal maturation, this problem tends to be solved spontaneously.

Regarding the causes of sleepwalking, They are not clearly defined.

Hence, mention is made of genetic factors for some research carried out in twins where it is expressed with some greater frequency, a poor sleep qualityto chopped dreamto conditions such as obstructive apneas, alcohol or drug consumption called recreational and even the use of tranquilizers or antidepressants that can affect the normal sleep pattern.

Although Speaizism episodes are usually brief And benign there are sometimes associated risks, such as hurting themselves when tripping, falling or even leaving home during an episode. In more serious cases, people have come to drive vehicles or manipulate dangerous objects while they were in a state of sleepwalking. Violent reactions may be presented if you try to wake them up.

It must be highlighted as a no less disorder and The appropriate thing is to consult with a neurologist.

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