why he took out Diablito Echeverri in the Superclásico

why he took out Diablito Echeverri in the Superclásico

Aside from the controversy that invaded the Super classicin the play that Sergio Romero He managed to get the ball out when it was crossing the goal line, which will be repeated a thousand times and the debate will continue on whether the whole ball went in or not. Another of the issues that remained in the pipeline was the departure of Claudio Echeverri, at one point key of the match.

It was 24 minutes into the second half when Diablito left the playing field to be replaced by Esequiel Barco (at the same time Manuel Lanzini entered for Nacho Fernández). And 120 seconds later came Boca’s second goal.

Until that moment, Echeverri had been River’s best and one of the protagonists of the Superclásico. For his mobility and its electricity to start and leave a field behind the wheels of Boca, those who found it difficult to stop it. Even though he had slowed down, he was still the Millionaire team’s most dangerous weapon. However, Demichelis took him out. And because?

Echeverri had a fever until last night. If it wasn’t good, it wouldn’t start, but it had been two days with a temperature,” Micho explained on the court. And it is valid, of course. He knows his players better than anyone and lives with them.

Even so, Echeverri was a starter. And on the court he did not show that he was weakened by the fever, quite the opposite. He was energetic. He scattered rivals, made a tremendous run to assist Borja in the goal and even earned a yellow card for getting in front of an opponent and delaying the start of a free kick. The Little Devil was involved. He even showed the character necessary to play in this type of match, something that most of his teammates lacked.

When he left, River lost the game in the middle of the field and no longer had Echeverri’s speed and imbalance. Then, the team fell. “After the stoppage of a few minutes, it didn’t end up being. From a play that we couldn’t reject, we got 2-1. We had just made some changes and it was difficult for us to settle into the game. And the rival hit us again. We kept moving forward even though it was not enough for us. We went looking for him and we ran out of time,” Demichelis analyzed.

Micho, in turn, by way of analysis of the 3-2 defeat, added: “We had a good first half and started better than the rival, until Zenón’s free kick they had not attracted us. The Superclásicos in this country are experienced with a lot of emotion, for better and worse. They found the goal in the 46th minute and that makes them mentally better heading into the second half. We went out and scored that goal with a prepared play that almost ended up giving us the advantage.” The Millonario coach also complained about the interruptions in the second and left the Kempes, with a grim expression.

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