In the liturgical year there are two occasions when Catholic priests can wear a pink or pink chasuble. Here we explain it to you.
1. On Sunday of Yeah In Advent
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The first occasion is the third Sunday of Advent or Sunday of Yeahword in Latin that appears in the Bible and which means “joy” or joy. This word is used in the entrance antiphon of the Mass that says: “Rejoice in the Lord always. And again I tell you, rejoiced! That the kindness of you is known by all men. The Lord is close.”
This day is also called Domingo de la Alegría, because most of the Advent has already been traveled, conversion and preparation time for Christmas, which celebrates the birth of the Child Jesus.
While the priest can wear the rose chasuble, its use is not mandatory, so it is allowed to dress the usual purple casulla of Advent time.
2. The IV Sunday of Lent
The second time on which priests can dress the passion Sunday of Laetare or Sunday of joy.
It is called this by the first words of the introito of the Mass: “Rejoice in Jerusalem“, Which means” hagle, oh, Jerusalem. “
The Catholic Encyclopedia (EC) explains that the introito or Entrance Of the Mass is the fragment of a psalm with its antiphon that is sung while the celebrant and the ministers enter the church and approach the altar.
Strictly, on Thursday before Sunday of Laetare It is the one that marks half of the Lent, which is transferred to this day with a series of signs that seek to encourage the faithful in this penitential time, marked by prayer, fasting and alms.
Other signs of joy are flowers on the altar and the possibility of using the organ at Mass.
This, explains the EC, highlights “the contrast between the other Sundays and on Sunday of Laetarewhich is emblematic of the joys of this life, joy comedy mixed with a certain lag of sadness. ”
The Catholic encyclopedia recalls that this day is also known as “Rosa Domingo”, because on this date the golden or gold rose bless in Rome that the Pope sent to the Catholic Monarchs.
One more date for rose casulla
In Peru, another date on which priests can use pink or pink chasuble is August 30, at the Santa Rosa de Lima party, the first Saint of America.
In this country, that day is a holiday or holiday, you can win indulgences in the Sanctuary of Santa Rosa and you must go to Mass as if it were Sunday.
This note was originally posted in March 2022. It has been updated to include new information.