Why do Christians believe in resurrection and not reincarnation?

Why do Christians believe in resurrection and not reincarnation?

In Root’s opinion, the two main reasons for rejecting the belief in reincarnation are: that it opposes the way in which Christ offers salvation and because it goes against the nature of the human person.

Root explained that reincarnation “contradicts the picture of salvation that we have in the New Testament, where our participation in the resurrection of Christ is effectively what salvation is about” and “gives us a very different picture of what it is like to be human: an incorporeal entity that is not related to any specific time.”

“Christianity takes very seriously that we are beings with a body and, any notion of reincarnation considers that the being only has a kind of accidental connection with any specific body, because from that perspective one passes from one body to another to another to another. ; and not having a specific body ends in the idea that one does not know who one is,” Root highlighted.

The Vatican document on the New Age titled “Jesus Christ bearer of the water of life”, points out that “cosmic unity and reincarnation are irreconcilable with the Christian belief that the human person is a unique being, who He lives a single life for which he is fully responsible“This way of understanding the person calls into question both personal responsibility and freedom.”

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