When can it be canceled and how to do it?

When can it be canceled and how to do it?

Many buyers take advantage of these days when interesting offers are offered discounts on digital media to change the car, add accessories or take out new insurance. But some, after starting the purchase, realize that they cannot or do not want to continue moving forward with the operation.

When this situation occurs and we are faced with an electronic purchase, that is, online, the operation could be canceled directly on the website.within 10 days from contracting or receipt in the case of accessories or other objects. This does not apply to custom objects.

In these cases, it is important to know that you do not have to give a reason to request cancellation, much less have to wait for a resolution or analysis of the order.

The legislation has established that the consumer is not obliged to give the reasons for his decision. There are some companies that request it, but it should be for the sole purpose of knowing the client’s opinion but never as a basis for rejecting the cancellation request.

If the purchase was made through a website, the company should have the regret button accessible. And if you do not have it, you can make the cancellation request in the seller’s institutional email or by some other digital means they have.

It is always suggested save records of everything or take screenshots to be able to demonstrate the intention to cancel the contract if it is necessary to make a claim.

In cases where there is no satisfactory response to the cancellation request, a complaint could be filed in defense of the consumer in each locality.

This has a double function, since on the one hand it is brought to the attention of the enforcement authority of the Consumer Protection Law. failure to comply with the obligation to have a regret button active on the provider’s website.

And, on the other hand, make a claim for the contract to be canceled plus a refund of what was paid for any reason. This is not possible if they are personalized objects, since the supplier produces them at the consumer’s request, or if they are perishable.

If it is the digital purchase of a vehicle and then progress was made with the patenting of the same, cancellation cannot be requested anymore. In those cases, it will be necessary to analyze the possibilities of terminating that contract according to the regulations that specifically govern those situations.

What you have to keep in mind for digital purchases is that you can request the cancellation of the purchase within 10 days of making it or receiving the product, except in the cases mentioned previously.

It is made clear that the specific case must always be evaluated and this note does not imply advice on the specific situation but rather general guidelines.

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