What was happening in Argentina and the world 60 years ago

What was happening in Argentina and the world 60 years ago

The country had been governed since October 1963 by the radical Arturo Illia, who had won the elections with 25% of the votes and with Peronism banned.

Shortly after assuming annulled the oil contracts signed by Arturo Frondizi and sent to parliament a revolutionary drug law that irritated the powerful pharmaceutical laboratories.

That year of 1964 the GDP grew by 10%, The educational budget was one of the highest in history and established the cup of milk in schools.

The Beatles were definitively established after their trip through the United States and their appearances on the Ed Sullivan Show.

During that tour in which they managed to place five singles on the list of best-selling albums, someone asked them if they were aware of what their music caused in their youth. John responded: “If we knew we would form another group and be their managers.”

That same year they made their film debut with A Hard Day’s Night and they released the corresponding album.

One of his local fans, Mafalda, could reflect from the back of the newspaper The world who disputed with Clarion the segment of middle class readers.

Mafalda, the character created by Quino, appeared on the back cover of the newspaper El Mundo.  / Clarín Archive

The Rolling Stones, who had begun their career in 1962, published their first long play in April ’64, named after the band and which It would remain at No. 1 in sales in Great Britain for 51 weeks.

Also in England there was a little-known band called T-Sets, led by guitarist Roger Waterswho would later be one of the founders of Pink Floyd.

In London itself, Designer Mary Quant revolutionized the world of fashion and he scandalized the “moralists” by presenting the miniskirt in his summer fashion show.

Andy Warhol surprised with his Marilynwhich used the photographic screen printing technique.

On the jazz side, saxophonist John Coltrane stood out with his album A Love Supreme. The boys played sidewalk pattern, dark room, balls, hopscotch and tinenti; The girls shared these games and added the elastic, and, the older ones, truth or consequence.

When it came to board games, The Magician Chan, The Magic Brain, The Estanciero and The Buccaneer were all the rage.

It was the time of the Robin Hood collection, with its yellow-covered booksby Anteojito – which began to be published this year – and Mexican magazines with characters like Susy for the not-so-girls and the Marvell superheroes, Superman and Batman, for the boys.

On TV and movies

From the Channel 13 screen, El Club del Clan, Pepe Biondi, the Carlitos Balá Show and Nené Cascallar’s novel, Love Has a Woman’s Face, swept the screen.

37 national films were released in the country, including: Buenas Noches, Buenos Aires and La Sentencia, by Hugo del Carril; The Impure Goddess, The Lioness and Tropical Lust, by Armando Bo; The Clan Club, by Enrique Carreras;

Cleopatra was Candida, by Julio Saraceni with Niní Marshall; Circe, based on the story by Julio Cortázar, directed by Manuel Antín; Canuto Cañete and the 40 thieves, with Carlitos Balá, by Leo Fleider and La Tigra, by Leopoldo Torre Nilsson.

The album La Misa Criolla was a great success, with music by Ariel Ramírez and lyrics by Félix Luna, recorded by Ariel himself together with Los Fronterizos, Jaime Torres and Domingo Cura.

By beating Nacional de Montevideo in the final, Independiente de Avellaneda won the American Champions Cupcurrent Libertadores.

Boca won the local championship, with Rattin, Marzolini and Roma, while The brothers Dante and Torcuato Emiliozi obtained first place in the Road Tourism championship.

There were two great losses for tango: Juan de Dios Filiberto and “the man of tango”, Julio Sosa, left. About a hundred thousand people passed by his wake at Luna Park.

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