What is the relationship between stress and the risk of cancer?

Question: I am 58 years old and I was diagnosed with lung cancer, although I never smoked. I went through some hellish years due to the economic situation that made me collapse my small company. Could stress have caused my cancer? (Jaime Justo Aguilera. La Plata)

Cancer includes various diseases that are characterized by the existence of cells that grow, spread without control and with the dangerous peculiarity of acquiring its own autonomy.

That is, not submitting to the growth criteria that govern normal cells, thus reaching become a dangerous host that can destroy whoever carries it.

Despite being a controversial topic, it can be answered concisely and precisely as indicated in the Cancer Research UK: “Stress does not directly increase the likelihood of developing cancer.” This does not mean that the relationship is null, but rather that there is not enough scientific evidence to confirm that stressed people are more likely to develop a malignant tumor.

The relationship between emotions and physical health is very complex, which is why It is not prudent to make strong statements about this connection.

Stress can negatively influence the progression of cancer. / Photo: Clarín Archive.

What the scientific evidence says

Although stress affects health and generates many physical problems, the existing scientific evidence that affirms that it can cause cancer is very weak – for now.

However, Although it is not a causal agent, there may be an indirect relationship. since those who live chronically stressed tend to adopt certain habits (smoking, eating or drinking alcohol excessively, abandoning regular check-ups, not getting vaccinated, etc.) that increase the risk of suffering from it.

What there is greater consensus on is that stress can negatively influence the evolution of cancer because decreases the natural defensive functioning of the immune systemgenerating qualitative and quantitative defects in its function since this system is not only responsible for eliminating infectious agents from the body, but also carries out active surveillance to destroy neoplastic cells.

Cancer Research UK says: “Stress does not directly increase the chance of developing cancer.”  / Shutterstock.Cancer Research UK says: “Stress does not directly increase the chance of developing cancer.” / Shutterstock.

These immunological changes due to stress may be of sufficient magnitude to influence greater and more rapid development and/or the appearance of metastasis because the cytokines and inflammatory mediators that are produced in stress situations activate and promote the multiplication of existing tumor cells.

States of fear, anxiety and depression when learning about the diagnosis of cancer They always tend to trigger the idea and anguish of death in almost all patients regardless of the type or stage of the disease.

In addition to the diagnosis, it also forces us to face stressful events: treatments, side effects, possible recurrences, uncertainty and all the family and emotional situations that arise and that last for months or years.

Depression or hopelessness is something that can be serious in some people with cancer, but not because it compromises their evolution but because It does not allow them to live emotionally well.

Therefore, every patient who must live with cancer must also deal with stress, anguish or depression. And the way you manage those emotions due to your oncological process will have beneficial effects on the progression of the disease as well as your quality of life.

From there The need arises to include the psychological and psychiatric approach within oncological treatment.

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