What is the position of the Catholic Church on in vitro fertilization?

What is the position of the Catholic Church on in vitro fertilization?

According to Veritas Fertility & Surgery, NaPro technology treatments often involve medications to improve ovulation and hormone levels in a woman, as well as “improve sperm count or quality” in men. NaPro technology may also involve surgical interventions aimed at restoring the body’s natural procreative functions.

The Church also encourages couples to use the Natural Family Planning (PFN), which tracks the fertile and infertile cycles of a woman’s body to achieve or postpone pregnancy. There are multiple methods of monitoring NFP, such as Creighton Fertility Model and the Billings Ovulation Methodwhich the Church considers lawful.

“The Church supports married couples struggling with the cross of infertility by encouraging medical interventions to heal the couple, restoring their health and fertility so that they are more likely to receive the gift of a child through sexual relations,” Di Camillo explained.

What is the Alabama IVF sentence?

The Alabama Supreme Court ruled on February 20 that frozen human embryos constitute children under state statutea decision that could affect how IVF clinics operate in the state.

The 8-1 ruling said the state’s “Wrongful Death of a Child Act” “applies to all children, born and unborn, without limitation” and “regardless of location.”

It should be noted that the Alabama ruling is not part of a federal case and therefore only affects the law within the state, without affecting all other states.

Translated and adapted by the ACI Prensa team. Originally published in CNA.

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