What is the new instrument that replaces the papers to sell the car like?

The changes that are being introduced in everything related to new car registrations or used car transfers are many and are beginning to arrive quickly. One of them has to do with the Automotive Digital Certificate (CDA) and the Single Digital File (LDU)which render the printing of paper certificates invalid.

This joins other measures that the Ministry of Justice has been promoting in its decision to “reduce the bureaucracy of Automotive Registries” and “dismantle the spurious businesses” of these registries that had been operating as “political boxes,” according to the vision. of its owner, Mariano Cúneo LIbarona.

Among the recently announced developments are that the issuance of identification cards, license plates, property titles and signature certificates will be subsidized upon their publication in the Official Gazette. Besides, the cost of transferring a vehicle is reduced to 1%regardless of whether it is a national or imported model.

According to the ministry, “we have decided to digitize the automotive files to speed up the procedures and eliminate the need to transfer documents between the different Registries.” In this way, they claim, $1.3 billion per month will be saved.

These measures are added to others that are being applied in the sector, such as the significant reduction in the number of Automotive Property Registries, of which it was ordered the closure of 136 offices and the stopping of the opening of another 12.

The National Directorate of the Automotive Property Registry is changing its processes.

New Digital Files and Certificates

Both the Automotive Digital Certificate and the Single Digital File were created within the scope of the National Directorate of National Registries of Automotive Property and Pledge Credits (DNRPA) through resolution 272 published in the Official Gazette.

The Single Digital File will be composed of a Digital Automotive Certificate, provided by the Single Automotive Registration System (SURA) and a digital repository that will contain the digital images of all Type Applications that implement the registration of a procedure generated after the entry into force of this measure.

Their purpose is streamline and simplify vehicle registration processes and, at the same time, generate savings in materials. These tools will allow “the requests made by users of the registry service to be qualified, reducing the use of the physical support of said instruments (paper) to the essential minimum, either for their presentation or for their storage and safeguarding” according to the resolution.

The new measures also include the elimination of the blue card and the non-expiration of the green card.The new measures also include the elimination of the blue card and the non-expiration of the green card.

Furthermore, “the digitization of these instruments also implies a substantial improvement in terms of efficiency and quality of the services of the different internal procedures typical of the current operation of the registry system, since the times and costs related to the physical sending of the documentation are reduced. and the Files, as well as the risks of theft or loss of these instruments are exponentially reduced”.

The resolution emphasizes that having a remote, open, standardized and accessible registrywill also allow us to resolve any contingency or eventuality that may arise at the headquarters of a Sectional Registry that hinders or prevents the provision of the service.

According to the Ministry of Justice, this resolution constituted a first stage in the restructuring of the registry system, “given that the magnitude of the proposed modifications in relation to the Sectional Registries not reached by the measures already adopted, requires a more complete study for its gradual application”.

In this sense, it is considered “necessary in this instance to proceed to the repeal of the rules that established the territorial polygons of the registry headquarters, so that any Sectional Registry has territorial jurisdiction to carry out procedures.”

That is why a “single jurisdiction” is created throughout the territory of the Argentine Republic, which allows free choice of the Sectional Registry. That is to say that The user will be able to choose the record in which they wish to make the transfer without being governed by the jurisdiction that fell to it, as is the case today.

As of the entry into force of the LDU, it will be mandatory to digitize the images of the Type Applications received and to integrate the images into the digital repository of each file.


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