After its run in theaters, it came to streaming, on Netflix. A comedy, somewhat black, quite against social pressures, patriarchy and more is Don’t break mea fairly direct title about two women, very different from each other, who want precisely that, what the title says.
Angela (played by Carla Peterson) is an actress who recently separated from her partner, Fercho (Esteban Lamothe), also an actor. They meet in a studio to record a television program, a talk show (hosted by Cecilia Dopazo) and there she finds out that he impregnated another much younger woman. The worst thing is that the dates do not suit him. All this, on air, live.
Angela’s decision to burn her ex’s hand with a hair straightener will lead her to join a group that manages or regulates anger (led by Eugenia Guerty).
Anger management
And there he will meet Vera (Julieta Diaz), which is dedicated to manufacturing artisanal creams. When her husband (Alfonso Tort, from the Uruguayan 25 Watts y The night of 12 years) is not going to pick up her two children from school, in a new example of laziness, and somewhat fed up with not being able to dedicate herself to what she really wants, she finds herself at his work with an ex-girlfriend who is now his boss direct. Without controlling her anger, she throws a pot of cream at the woman, and Vera may end up in court for injuries.
The plot takes a turn, which surely the scriptwriters did not imagine that, at the time of its release in theaters, would coincide with the case of the death of Silvina Luna and the complaints against Aníbal Lotocki. A plastic surgeon wants Angela to be the advertising face of his aesthetic rejuvenation system, and the results are tremendous.
Sisterhood and revenge will go hand in hand when the women in the anger control workshop set their goal to destroy the plastic surgeon.

The male characters, all and without exception, are a sample of examples of patriarchy, even the director of the soap opera that Angela is filming, and played by Fito Páez.
The issue is not the theme, but that the development of the actions does not allow for more than some funny dialogues, a lot of self-confidence and no fear of falling into ridicule on the part of anyone involved in the Azul Lombardía film.

To all the aforementioned interpreters we must add Nancy Dupláa, as a woman who previously suffered the same thing that is happening to Angela with the same plastic surgeon. And in the anger control group there are also Celina Font and one of the film’s co-writers, Jazmín Rodríguez Duca.
And so we have a cast with many figures, but they cannot beat the script.
Comedy. Argentina, 2023. 94′, SAM 13. Of: Lombardy Blue. Con: Carla Peterson, Julieta Díaz, Esteban Lamothe, Salvador del Solar, Alfonso Tort, Cecilia Dopazo. Available in: Netflix.