What is languor and when can it be worrying?

For a while now I haven’t concentrated on my work, the day seems boring and long to me, and I’m only interested in the night coming and disconnecting. My clinician affirms that what I have is not depression.

(Julián Barros Maidana. Bahía Blanca)

The emotional world covers a wide range that goes from the extreme of anguish and depression to another, which is that of complete satisfaction.

That is, from one pole of feeling fear, fear, dejection, devaluation, sadness to another where vitality predominatesenthusiasm, enjoying things.

On that emotional spectrum there may be an intermediate statewhere it is not bad but not good either, where what actually predominates is the absence of well-being.

Languor is experienced with a feeling of stagnation. Photo illustration Shutterstock.

The psychologist C. Keyes coined the term in 2002 flourishing (flourishing) to describe the characteristics of adults, emotionally healthy and with psychological well-beingwhich translate into the style and ways of facing life challenges and, at the same time, maintaining satisfactory interpersonal contacts.

The opposite is languor, where what prevails is the feeling of stagnation, emptiness, with lack of emotions (a kind of emotional anesthesia) and disinterest.

The individual can even become indifferent to his indifference.

He is unmotivated and apathetic, as if nothing was interesting or attractive. The days are perceived as endless, with distance from your friends and loved ones because you feel uncomfortable in front of them, having to carry out an effort to communicate and get intimate with the people you are usually close to.

The terms that best describe languor are the feeling of emptiness and stagnation and the lack of a motivating purpose.

This state of languor had its maximum expression during the pandemic due to the mandatory confinement and the marked restrictions it imposed, since many individuals they lost the focus of their activities and routines as they are more focused on complying with biosafety standards and not getting infected.

In reality, it is a state described two decades ago and what the pandemic did was generalize it.

Languor can affect anyone, but there are situations that can make it more prone, such as conditions of social isolationemotionally painful events or efforts that do not receive deserved recognition.

exist some signs that indicate the presence of this state of languor:

1) The subject is desensitizedwithout wanting to go out or do physical activity.

2) Does not have the slightest interest in planning anythingnot even previously attractive things (like a trip or vacation).

3) Tends to isolate from others, with apathy towards social contact.

4) Feel difficult to focus in your work or study.

5) He is completely devoid of personal motivation.

6) Does not feel illusion or positivity before hopeful news.

It is not a condition that is considered pathological since does not meet the requirements nor the criteria for it, especially with depression, with which it is often confused.

Languor does not come with physical exhaustion, sleep disturbances or lack of energy to perform at work.

What people feel is that They lack joy, enthusiasm and the ability to react in a positive way about things.

Perhaps the terms that best describe it are the feeling of stagnation and emptinessthe absence of joy and the lack of a motivating purpose in life.

It suits consult a psychiatrist or a psychologist for adequate treatment.

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