What is CETA, one of the few free procedures in the transfer of a used car, which the Government has just eliminated

What is CETA, one of the few free procedures in the transfer of a used car, which the Government has just eliminated

The Government announced the elimination of one of the necessary forms for the transfer of a used car. It is the Automotive Transfer Certificate, better known as CETA, by its acronym.

It is a document of a nature that in certain circumstances of an operation was required by the Federal Public Revenue Administration (AFIP).

It was precisely the resolution signed by Florencia Lucila Misrahi, head of the AFIP, that made this mandatory form void when transferring a vehicle, whether car or motorcycle, for a value greater than $10,919,766.

This measure occurs in the midst of the controversy surrounding how bureaucratic and expensive it is to register a car in Argentina today. This discussion today focuses on the Automotive Registries, which a few days ago almost received the benefit of a strong increase in rates, which was finally rescinded.

The elimination of this form occurred through General Resolution 5505/2024 published in the Official Gazette. It comes into force as of April 25, 2024. However, although it makes the process less cumbersome, the cancellation of this form does not reduce the cost of the transfer.

One less step to sell the car

The arguments for the elimination of CETA are that “the degree of technological progress achieved, together with the information exchange agreements signed between this Federal Administration and the National Directorate of National Automotive Property Registries, allow us to have sufficient information in order to ensure timely verification of the fiscal situation of citizens“, according to the resolution.

That is why it was considered “advisable to exempt from the obligation established therein all transfer operations of used automobiles and motorcycles located in the country, understanding that the purpose that inspires the rule is fulfilled, with respect to these goods.” “said the head of the AFIP.

In this way, the transfer of a vehicle now it involves one less step in a tangle of procedures. However, this decision does not mean that its value has changed, since the CETA form was free. A small fee was only charged if it was processed online through a private company that provided that service.

The value of the vehicle can be found at the DNRPA.

The certificate was mandatory only in cases where the operation exceeded $10,919,766. The paradox is that this requirement appeared in December 2009, when at that time the minimum amount was 30 thousand pesos.

Although this procedure was on the list of essentials when transferring a used vehicle in Argentina, it was not necessary to print it or take it to the Automotive Registry on the day the transfer takes place.

Currently, between tariffs, taxes and various expenses, it is estimated that the management necessary for the vehicle to actually change ownership ends up taking about 6% of the purchase value.

There are currently projects in Congress that seek to reduce the cost of buying and selling a used car or registering a 0 km. They even consider the elimination of Automotive Records.

As soon as he took office, Javier Milei promised to end the Automotive Registries, which he described as “a job” and which, he noted, were part of “the caste” since they were often obtained for “political favors.”

In line with these statements, last December an idea from the Government about a radical change in the way in which Argentines should register the purchase of a vehicle, whether new or used, emerged. The intention was significantly reduce the amount of paperwork and the cost of the operationat a time when digitalization is increasingly taking center stage in carrying out procedures.

In fact, when presenting the mega DNU 70/2023, the President had said that “modifications” had to be “made” to the regime so that “the procedures can be carried out entirely digitally and streamline all processes, eliminating unnecessary stages and absolutely disproportionate costs that “They make the circulation of this type of goods difficult.”

The Government’s intention involved, in principle, eliminating the more than 1,500 National Registries of Automotive Property, a mandatory place for anyone who wants to make a transfer.


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