What can we meditate on Jesus’ crowning with thorns?

What can we meditate on Jesus’ crowning with thorns?

The crowning with thorns was not a common punishment that the Romans applied against those condemned to death. It was an invention of soldiers, designed to cruelly humiliate the Lord. In the third sorrowful mystery of the Rosary we remember this episode, but how can Christians delve even deeper into this fact and meditate on its deepest meaning?

John Grondelski, Doctor of Theology from Fordham University (United States), writes for the National Catholic Register that, in a theological sense, the crowning with thorns “points out the sins of thought and mind.” This episode of the Passion of Jesus is narrated in all the Gospels, except that of Saint Luke.

Precisely, the author writes, it is the Gospel of Saint John that “adds an important element” to meditate on the fact.

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