What are the most spectacular jungles in the world that few know about?

What are the most spectacular jungles in the world that few know about?

Talking about Brazil, the United States, Congo, Indonesia or Costa Rica will surely not be enough. But if the mention is narrowed to Amazonas or Hawaii, for example, the reference with the word selva It will come almost automatically.

With a world full of spectacular landscapes that include deserts, mountains, seas and glaciers, the tropical forests They stand out not only for what they generate on a visual level, but for the function they fulfill as a natural lung for the planet.

These are ecosystems with a great biodiversity in which a significant number of species of wild flora and fauna coexist.

Many of these spaces are currently in Danger of extinction due to the advancement of man and day by day new campaigns emerge on social networks to try to protect them.

One by one, the most spectacular jungles

Amazon jungle

It is the largest rainforest in the world. It is considered “the lungs of the planet” since it contains a tenth of all the forests on Earth. Brazil and Peru They have the largest extension of the Amazon, followed by Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Suriname, Venezuela and French Guiana.

Under its extraordinary luxuriance, different habitats and the greatest animal diversity coexist, as it contains all the fauna of the South American humid tropical forest. Besides, It contains a tenth of all the forests on Earth.

Congo jungle

Its about second largest tropical forest in the worldas it occupies more than 700,000 square kilometers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon and the Central African Republic.

It has vegetation characteristic of a rainforest area and is very diverse. They live in their trees species like gorillas mountain and coastal, for example.

Hawaiian jungles

The archipelago belonging to the United States is made up of 18 islands and atolls, some of them with spectacular jungles. Koke’e State Park, located on the island of Kauai, attracts attention for its native forest vegetation and birds.

It also stands out for the panoramic views of its cliffs. The hana jungleon the island of Maui, meanwhile, offers large wooded and beach areas in a small space.

Hawaii offers jungle and black sand beaches.


The Monteverde Cloud Forest Biological Reserve is one of the main natural attractions that Costa Rica has. In its extension you can see tropical jungles and forests full of flora and fauna.

It is known as the place in the world with greater diversity of orchids per square meter and for being the habitat of species such as the quetzal.

Harapan Jungle

Located in Indonesia, it occupies an area of ​​985 kilometers within the selva tropical from the Island of Sumatra. This area has almost 20% of the island’s lowland forests. This jungle is occupied by more than 300 species of birds, tigers and rhinos.


It is located in the Kanchanaburi region of Thailand, west of Bangkok. Is a dense jungle with forest species. One of its favorite landscapes for visitors are its seven waterfalls.

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