What are the hybrid and electric car technologies that allow toll bonuses in CABA?

What are the hybrid and electric car technologies that allow toll bonuses in CABA?

Electrified vehicles continue to add benefits. From now on and for a year, electric cars They will not pay tolls on Buenos Aires highwayswhile hybrid models will have a 50% discount every time they use the TelePASE.

This benefit is added to the total or partial patent payment bonus granted by different provinces and districts of the country. For example, since 2022 this type of vehicle is exempt from paying the license fee in the City of Buenos Aires.

La Plata, Neuquén, San Juan, Mendoza, Río Grande (Tierra del Fuego), Santa Fe and Río Negro also have some type of tax benefit for hybrid and electric vehicles, to which we must also add Chubut and San Luis, which They have discounts of between 25% and 75% on their patent taxes.

There are more and more electrified cars in the country. According to the recent report from the Online Information System of the Automotive Market of Argentina (SIOMAA), in Argentina there are 36,400 vehicles with hybrid or electric propulsion system.

He 90% of that figure corresponds to hybrid units, with mild-hybrid units gaining ground recently.

Currently, the two best-selling electrified models in the country are the Toyota Corolla Cross and the Toyota Corolla, both conventional hybrids.

Differences between each of the technologies

The electrified propulsion systems that are available today in Argentina are five, of which four have a combustion engine and only two can be plugged in.

Audi Q5 Sportback. It has soft hybridization technology.

Soft hybridization or Mild-Hybrid

This system works with a combustion engine to which is added a battery and a generator 48V instead of the alternator. It allows energy to be recovered from decelerations and braking to assist the combustion engine and power other systems.

It can reduce fuel consumption by up to 15%in the best of cases. the car cannot be moved using electricity alone.

Conventional hybrid

The combustion engine is associated with another electric that alternate their operation to reduce consumption or combine them to increase performance. Its battery pack is recharged with the combustion engine or taking advantage of decelerations.

Se can move only with electricitybut in short sections and at reduced speeds. The fuel saving in the city compared to an equivalent gasoline can be 30%.

Plug-in hybrid

It works similarly to a conventional hybrid but has a larger battery pack. In this way, it provides an electric range that can be up to 80 kilometers, so daily fuel consumption can be zero, depending on the distance traveled.

These batteries can be recharged plugging them into an electrical network.

Extended range hybrid

They are main motor is an electric one but it is associated with a combustion engine that provides it with energy. It is not capable of moving the wheels and its only function is to power a generator to produce electricity.

The option available in Argentina (Nissan X-Trail E-Power) does not give the possibility of charging the batteries by plugging them in.


It only has one or more electric motors. The energy it receives comes exclusively from its batteries, which can be recharged by plugging them into an electrical network.

Recharging times vary depending on the vehicle and the power of the chargers.

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