Virgin of Guadalupe: Cardinal Burke speaks about the mission of the Catholic Church

Virgin of Guadalupe: Cardinal Burke speaks about the mission of the Catholic Church

The Virgin of Guadalupe, Saint Mary, leads us to Christ

Cardinal Burke also remarked that “the cause of our joy today, the cause of our permanent joy, the cause of our eternal joy, is Christ, God the Son incarnate, whom the Virgin Mother brought into the world and to whom we are always drawn, showing us that He, seated at the right hand of God the Father in glory, is also with us in his holy Church, which, together with the Virgin Mary, we rightly call Mother.”

“Christ is the fulfillment of man’s deepest desire: to know God and to love and serve Him,” he continued.

“The Mother of Christ, whom He gave us as our Mother when she died on the cross, in her maternal love, always leads us towards Him with the words she addressed to the wine stewards at the Wedding at Cana: ‘Do what He tell you’”, highlighted the American Cardinal.

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