Virgen del Carmen: 12 keys to using the scapular

“The devotion of the scapular of Carmel has brought down upon the world a copious rain of spiritual and temporal graces,” said the venerable Pope Pius XII.

Here we present 12 keys that anyone who carries this religious object should know.

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1. It is not an amulet

It is not an amulet or an automatic guarantee of salvation or a dispensation from living the demands of the Christian life.

“You ask: what if I wanted to die with my sins? I answer you, then you will die in sin, but you will not die with your scapular,” warned Saint Claudius de la Colombière.

2. It was a dress

“Scapular” comes from Latin scapulae, which means “shoulders”. It was originally a layered, off-the-shoulder dress worn by monks at work.

The Carmelites assumed it as a sign of special dedication to the Virgin, seeking to imitate her dedication to Christ and her neighbor.

3. It is a gift from the Virgin

According to tradition, the scapular, as it is now known, was given by the Virgin Mary herself to Saint Simon Stock on July 16, 1251.

Mary told him: “It should be a sign and privilege for you and for all Carmelites: whoever dies wearing the scapular will not suffer eternal fire.” Later the Church extended the scapular to the laity.

4. It is a miniature habit

It is like a miniature Carmelite habit that all devotees can wear as a sign of their consecration to the Virgin.

It consists of a cord that is worn around the neck with two small pieces of brown or coffee-colored fabric. One is placed on the chest and the other on the back. It is usually worn under clothing.

5. It is a service uniform

Saint Alphonsus Mary of Liguori, Doctor of the Church, said: “Just as men take pride in others wearing their uniform, so Our Lady Mother Mary is pleased when her servants wear her scapular as proof that they have dedicated themselves to her service.” , and they are members of the family of the Mother of God.”

6. It has three meanings

Mary’s maternal love and protection, belonging to Mary and the gentle yoke of Christ that She helps us carry.

7. It is a sacramental

It is recognized by the Church as a sacramental, that is, a sign that helps to live holily and increase our devotion.

The scapular does not communicate graces as the sacraments do, but rather disposes to the love of the Lord and repentance if received with devotion.

8. Can be given to a non-Catholic

One day a dying old man was brought to Saint Stock, who, upon regaining consciousness, told the saint that he was not Catholic, that he used the scapular as a promise to his friends and said a Hail Mary daily.

Before dying he received Baptism and the Anointing of the Sick.

9. He was seen in a Fatima apparition

Lucia, the visionary of the Virgin of Fátima, reported that in the last apparition (October 1917) Mary appeared with the Carmelite habit and the scapular in her hand, and recalled that her true children wear it with reverence.

She also asked that those who consecrate themselves to Her use it as a sign of said consecration.

10. The scapular that was not damaged

Blessed Pope Gregory X was buried with his scapular, and 600 years later, when his tomb was opened, the object was intact. Something similar happened with Saint Alfonso María de Ligorio.

Saint John Bosco and Saint John Paul II also used it and Saint Peter Claver invested with the scapular those he converted and prepared.

11. Anyone can’t impose it

The imposition of the scapular should preferably be done in community and in the celebration the spiritual sense and commitment to the Virgin should be clearly expressed.

The first scapular must be blessed by a priest and placed on the devotee with the following prayer: “Receive this blessed scapular and ask the Blessed Virgin that for her merits, you may wear it without any stain of sin, and that she protect you from all evil.” and lead you to eternal life.”

12. Only the first one you receive is blessed

When blessing the first scapular, the devotee does not need to ask for a blessing for subsequent scapulars. Those already spent, if they were blessed, should not be thrown away, but rather it is better to burn them or bury them as a sign of respect.

You can consult more information about the Virgen del Carmen festival at the following links:

Originally published July 14, 2023. It has been updated for republication

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