Venezuela: Bishops mourn the death of 11 people during protests

Venezuela: Bishops mourn the death of 11 people during protests

Faced with the wave of violence and repression unleashed by the regime of Nicolás Maduro, against the protesters who spontaneously express themselves against the result of the presidential election on July 28, the bishops of Venezuela pointed out “that life and The dignity of each person must be respected and protected.”

After the National Electoral Council (CNE), controlled by Chavismo, proclaim Maduro as the definitive winner of the electionwithout publishing the corresponding electoral records and with serious questions—national and international—about the legitimacy of the vote totalization process, massive and spontaneous protests were generated throughout the country.

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Since Monday, July 29, according to the main opposition candidate Edmundo González Urrutia, 11 people have died – most of them young people under 25 years of age – and 429 illegal detentions by State security agencies.

González Urrutia and María Corina Machado, leader of the Venezuelan opposition, have called on citizens to remain mobilized in the streets to defend the true electoral result which, they claim, gives the 74-year-old diplomat the winner by an advantage of almost 30 points. about Maduro.

“The concern and discomfort generated among citizens has been expressed, among other things, in the various manifestations that, in the exercise of the citizen rights contemplated in the Constitution (cf. Art. 68) and in the laws of the Republic, are “have been carried out throughout the national territory, with the numerous participation of citizens from all social conditions,” said the presidency of the Venezuelan Episcopal Conference (CEV).

“Unfortunately, some of these demonstrations have been overshadowed by violent events that have caused the death of some people, numerous injuries and arrests, and the destruction of material property,” the bishops added.

In that sense, they condemned all manifestations of violence “no matter where it comes from,” they regretted the murders and expressed their closeness to the victims’ families.

“We ask the State bodies, and especially the police and military forces, to fulfill their mission of guaranteeing public order, in accordance with the provisions of the laws, avoiding any possible abuse,” the bishops added.

Few days ago, The Episcopate reiterated its support to all the people of Venezuela during these difficult days, and asked them to remain “firm in hope”, making their just demands “with the peaceful attitudes, respect and tolerance, that have reigned until now”

Call to political actors

The Episcopate demanded that the CNE “bring forth the popular will expressed at the polls,” stating that this is not only a legal responsibility, but also an ethical one. “Only in this way will the truth of the facts prevail over any possible manipulation of them, and peace and trust will reign among all Venezuelans,” they assured.

Likewise, they asked political actors to stop “the language of disqualification and confrontation” and invited them to “seek paths of political dialogue and citizen encounter.”

“Venezuela needs the help of all its children,” they concluded.

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