The president of the Venezuelan Episcopal Conference (CEV), Mons. Jesús González de Zárate, asked the country’s political actors to put people in the center of their decisions, beyond their particular and partisan interests. In addition, he called believers to pray to sustain themselves in hope and change “the very difficult situations that we have to live every day.”
Similarly, he said that “the good, health and future” of the Venezuelan people must be the “point of coincidence” of all those who have in their hands the fate of the nation.
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Mons. González, who is Archbishop of Valencia, also commented that the greatest yearning for Venezuelans today is “a true peace that responds to their most immediate needs.” Health and food, he said In an interview with Unión Radio This January 28, are among the main concerns of the common citizen.
In addition, he referred to the educational crisis pointing out “that compromises the future of the country” and the immigration crisis that has caused the separation of millions of families such as other of the most urgent problems facing Venezuela.
“As much as the Venezuelan has a sense of adaptation, creativity and response to difficulties – even that shows it even studies that have been done in that field – it is easy for the concrete to be anguish and depression in life in life of many, ”said the archbishop.
Despite the difficult Venezuelan and world actuality, Mons. González highlighted how positive and hopeful it can be found every day. “For us, from faith, hope sustains our newspaper pilgrimage in the world,” he added. He also highlighted the importance of the Jubilee Year 2025:
“It is not a Christian to let evil have the last word, but have good. With our positive work in truth, justice, solidarity and fraternity, many good things can be built and that is what we see daily that, even in the many difficulties, Venezuelans do, ”said the president of the CEV.
“When there is still a search for the common good and a concern for the resolution of social life affairs, realities that exist daily in the lives of many Venezuelans, we have to understand that there are signs of hope there, that God is present in half of us and continues to raise good things in our reality, ”he added.
When consulted on the call for regional elections, by the Venezuelan electoral entity – controlled by the Chavista regime – the archbishop said that the episcopate will meet at the Plenary Assembly, on February 10, where “surely” will be treated This issue and all others that concern society.
Finally, he said that Venezuelan society must mainly renew his love to God, “because for a Christian is the first love and the fundamental law.” This, he continued, translates into “solidarity, fraternity and capacity for reconciliation and forgiveness with the brother.”
“I think that in the term Esperanza, that it will be fundamental in the life of the Church this year, the possibility of knowing In strength in the midst of adversities. We must implore the Lord to hold us in it to find the right paths with which to respond to the very difficult situations that we have to live every day, ”he concluded.