Pope Francis’s prayer intention for this month of February 2025 is pray for vocations to priestly and religious life.
In the list of intentions for this year, the Pope’s World Network of Prayer points out that Francisco asks in this month to pray “for the ecclesial community the priestly and religious life. ”
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Every February 2, Festival of the presentation of the Lord, the Catholic Church celebrates the World Day of Consecrated Life, instituted in 1997 by Pope San Juan Paul II.
Consecrated life is made up of all baptized who consecrate themselves to God through the rite of the profession or the consecration of Virgins, who commit to living poverty, chastity and obedience through votes or promises.
The celebrations for this 2025 day, which this Sunday, celebrates its XXIX edition, begin this Saturday with the sentence of eve, chaired by Pope Francis in the Basilica of San Pedro in the Vatican, within the framework of the Jubileo de la Esperanza .
Each month, Pope Francis asks Catholics around the world to pray for a particular intention.
This initiative is accompanied by a video where the Pontiff expresses the reasons why he has chosen that intention. This February will premiere next Tuesday 4.
The Pope’s World Prayer Network suggests, for this month, to pray the following sentence:
Good father,
that you keep calling young people
To serve the mission of Christ
In priestly and religious life,
Teach us to welcome your doubts and wishes.
We ask you to grant us
greater opening and closeness to your questions,
From an attentive and free listening,
To better accompany your discernments
with renewed freedom and enthusiasm.
That as an ecclesial community
Let’s cultivate a vocational pastoral
Cheerful, brave, authentic and mobilizer.
That, focusing on Jesus and his kingdom,
animated by the force of the Holy Spirit,
We generate favorable conditions
so that the ‘gospel of vocation’
turn on the heart of those who
They open to your call.