Vatican: Pope Francis visits 35 priests from the outskirts of Rome

Vatican: Pope Francis visits 35 priests from the outskirts of Rome

Vatican News remember that this is the fourth parish that Pope Francis visits in recent months; and that it is located in “a small and cozy neighborhood, with little traffic and where the noise of transportation does not seem to be invasive, where however the inhabitants suffer a general feeling of abandonment and neglect of the area.”

Today they received the Holy Father at the place, Mons. Daniele Salera, Auxiliary Bishop of Rome, and the parish priest of San Enrique, Fr. Massimiliano Memma.

“With the 35 priests of the prefecture, Francisco – as on previous occasions – entertained himself by talking. A dialogue, which began with a prayer and invocation to the Spirit, behind closed doors, with the Pope sitting at a desk in the parish hall, ready to answer questions on various topics, mainly pastoral,” indicated the Vatican media.

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