Vatican: Pope Francis receives controversial Sister Lucía Caram and members of Digital Religion

Vatican: Pope Francis receives controversial Sister Lucía Caram and members of Digital Religion

In a note Published today, Religión Digital, which celebrates its 25th anniversary, points out that the Holy Father met with them for half an hour and told them, among other things: “Don’t lose hope. Continue fighting for this living Church and making it known.”

In the text they explain that the Pontiff met with them in “the back room of the Paul VI Hall, (la auletta)”, which is “the same office where he received (Volodimir) Zelensky, (Nicolás) Maduro or Raúl Castro.”

Caram, a Dominican nun, participated in the meeting; the director of Digital Religion, former priest José Manuel Vidal; the journalists José Lorenzo and Jesús Bastante; as well as Father Ángel García Rodríguez, president of the NGO Messengers of Peace; and topics such as “the Church in Spain, future challenges, her health, extreme critics, the question of seminaries, future trips or the validity of Vatican II” were discussed.


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