Pope Francis reflected on the vocation of each baptized, not only to consecrated life; And he encouraged not to be afraid and abandon himself to the will of God, in his message to the National Vocations Congress that takes place in Madrid from February 7.
“Let us ask for brothers in this Vocations Congress a look capable of perceiving the need of the brother, not in the abstract, but in the concrete of eyes that are nailed to us like those of the temple’s paralytic,” said the Holy Father in his message to the message to the Vocational Congress that brings together more than 3,000 people and has as its motto “Who am I? Assembly of calls for mission. ”
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The motto is taken from postsinodal apostolic exhortation Christ livesthat Pope Francis published in 2019 about young people and vocation. In that sense, the Pontiff encouraged Congress participants to “in the office, in the family, in the apostolate, in the service, take God where he sends them, that is our vocation.”
“With the question ‘Who am I? Life, like Santa Teresa de Calcutta ”.
In this way, the Pope continued, they can “reduce the distances that separate them from God and the brother, to change their directions and find Jesus in the hug of that they are sent.”
In his message, the Holy Father remembered the scene of the rich young man, who moves sad because he is not able to leave everything to follow Jesus, who in his response allows us to understand that “we will always lack something very simple, the total gift of ourselves, to follow Jesus in the biggest test of love, “a call” addressed to each of us. “
The Pontiff recalled the service and solidarity of many against Dana in Valencia, which left great material losses and many victims; And he stressed in that sense that “everything we have been able to give, we will find them as precious jewels set in the bowels of mercy on their divine heart.”
After warning that the rich young man, when he was sad for not being able to leave everything to follow Jesus, “he did not know how of the volcano in La Palma in 2021, an example on how to “capture the value of spiritual or material goods that we are called to manage.”