Vatican: Pope Francis appoints Antonio Jose Valin, bishop of Tui-Vigo, Spain

Pope Francis has appointed as the new Bishop of Tui-Vigo (Spain) the priest Antonio José Valín Valdés, until now vicar general of Mondoñedo-Ferrol.

According to the Office of Press from the Vatican this Saturday, May 25, the bishop-elect succeeds Bishop Luis Quinteiro Fiuza (76), whose resignation has been accepted by the Holy Father for having exceeded the age limit of 75 years.

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Mons. Antonio José Valín Valdés will receive episcopal consecration on July 20, in the Cathedral of Tui. That same day he will take possession of the diocese of Tui-Vigo.

According to the Spanish Episcopal Conference (CEE), the bishop-elect was born in Ribadeo, Lugo (Spain) on February 24, 1968. He is 56 years old.

In October 1986 he entered the diocesan Theology in Santiago de Compostela, carrying out his studies at the Compostela Theological Institute from 1986 to 1992. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Theology and a Master’s degree in Christian Communication.

He was ordained a priest on March 14, 1993.

In the diocese of Mondoñedo-Ferrol he has held, among others, the following positions: trainer and professor at the Mondoñedo seminary (1992-1999); parish priest of San Sadurniño and others (1999); subdelegate of Youth Ministry, Vicaria Ferrol (1999); director of the university residence of the Domus Ecclesiae of Ferrol (2000).

He has also been diocesan delegate for Vocational Pastoral (2002); spiritual director of the major seminary (2006); episcopal delegate for Pastoral Care of Children and Youth (2007); spiritual director of the major and minor seminary (2011).

He has also served as parish priest of Santiago de Foz and other parishes in the area (2012); archpriest of Mondoñedo (2012/2016/2019); Pastoral secretary (2015/2016); Mercy Jubilee Year delegate (2015); and episcopal vicar for Evangelization (2017).

He was diocesan administrator of Mondoñedo-Ferrol from December 21, 2020 until September 4, 2021, when the new bishop, Mons. Fernando García Cadiñanos, took office.

He is currently parish priest and moderator of the UPA of Foz (since 2019); and vicar general and moderator of the Curia, (since 2021).

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