Vatican: Francisco recibe at the staff of the Child Jesus, the Pope’s hospital

Vatican: Francisco recibe at the staff of the Child Jesus, the Pope’s hospital

“In its history and in its vocation, the element of gift is fundamental, with the values ​​of gratuitousness, generosity, availability and humility. It is beautiful to remember, by the way, the gesture of the children of Duchess Arabella Salviati who, at the beginning of her story, gave her mother her piggy bank to build a hospital for the children,” the Pontiff said.

Regarding the cure, the Pope highlighted that “science, and consequently the capacity for cure, can be said to be the first task that characterizes the Bambino Gesù hospital today.”

“The excellence of biomedical research is also important. I encourage you to cultivate it with the aim of offering the best of yourselves and with special attention to the most fragile, such as patients with serious, rare or very rare diseases,” he continued.



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