Uruguay: The Episcopal Conference renewed authorities for the next triennium

Uruguay: The Episcopal Conference renewed authorities for the next triennium

It is time for renewal in the Catholic Church of the Southern Cone, where the bishops of Uruguay, Argentina, Chile and Bolivia dedicate a few days in November to meet in Assembly and elect their authorities for the next triennium.

In Uruguay, the presidency of the Episcopal Conference remained in the hands of Mons. Milton Tróccoli, Bishop of Maldonado-Punta del Este-Minas. He succeeds Bishop Arturo Fajardo, Bishop of Salto, who served two terms at the head of the Episcopate.

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Cardinal Daniel Sturla, Archbishop of Montevideo and Primate of Uruguay, continues as Vice President and administrator.

Mons. Heriberto Bodeant, Bishop of Canelones, also maintains his position as general secretary.

Mons. Fajardo, for his part, will now be the substitute for the delegate to CELAM and will be in charge of the Department of Social Pastoral-Cáritas.

Within the framework of the Assembly, on November 8, the bishops celebrated the Patroness of Uruguay, the Virgin of the Thirty-Three, and prayed for the country in the cathedral of Florida, the city where the meeting takes place.

That same day, they received a visit from the Apostolic Nuncio, Mons. Gianfranco Gallone, with whom they held a dialogue about the situation in the country and the global context.

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