United States: More than 1,000 people leave in Eucharistic procession in Washington DC

United States: More than 1,000 people leave in Eucharistic procession in Washington DC

A crowd of more than 1,000 Catholics took to the streets in a Eucharistic procession in downtown Washington, DC, the US capital, on Saturday morning, despite intermittent rain during the event.

The second annual Eucharistic procession of the Catholic Information Center’s (CIC), which took place a few blocks from the White House, was attended by priests, nuns and lay people from the area. The May 18 procession was almost twice as large as last year’s.

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“People have shown their love for the Eucharist by showing up in this rainy weather,” Father Charles Trullols, director of the CIC, a Catholic intellectual center that serves professionals in the field, told CNA. DC metropolitan area.

The priest indicated that he “wasn’t sure” if the weather would reduce attendance, but surpassing last year’s turnout was “even more incredible because of the rain.” He added that passersby who saw the procession seemed “very impressed” by the “beauty of the procession” and “the reverence of everyone in praying.”

“This procession impacted many souls,” added Father Trullols.

The event began with a Mass inside the CIC chapel, although a large portion of attendees watched the Mass on a video shown on a truck outside the building, as the entire crowd could not fit inside.

This was followed by the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on K Street and a recitation of the Litany of St. Joseph before the procession began its journey down the street.

At the front of the procession were the cross bearer and the candle holders, followed by the nuns. After the sisters came the children who had recently received their first Communion and then the Blessed Sacrament in a monstrance under a processional canopy. Behind the Eucharist were the priests, the choir and the lay faithful.

During the procession, attendees prayed, including the Rosary and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. The faithful also sang several hymns and stopped at three stations to kneel in front of the Blessed Sacrament, where Father Trullols read the Gospel.

One attendee, Joseph Duncan of McLean, Virginia, told CNA that the procession was “amazing” and noted the importance of a procession near the White House during an election year: “(It) can bring a lot of grace to the country.”

Brittany Baldwin of Houston told CNA that the procession was “incredibly moving” and she was “emotional,” saying that “seeing people’s reactions was equally moving.”

Baldwin, who also attended the CIC procession last year, noted the increase in attendees, adding, “I’m sure there would have been many more if it weren’t for the rain.”

The CIC offers daily Mass on weekdays and regularly hosts informational events on Catholic theology and other topics related to Catholicism. The organization also has a bookstore.

Translated and adapted by ACI Prensa. Originally published in CNA.

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