United States: Biden and Trump discuss abortion and immigration

United States: Biden and Trump discuss abortion and immigration

Republican Donald Trump and Democratic President Joe Biden, possible nominees for the United States presidential elections, which will be held in November of this year, faced each other on the night of Thursday, June 27, in a first presidential debate, in which they discussed various topics, including abortion, immigration and the economy.

The two candidates, who have not yet been confirmed by their respective parties, took the stage this Thursday in the city of Atlanta, Georgia (United States), to present their visions for the country. The debate was moderated by CNN anchors Dana Bash and Jake Tapper.

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In response to the chaotic debates of the past, the event was marked by several rules: the candidates’ microphones were muted when they were not speaking, to curb interruptions during heated moments, and there was no audience present in the studio.

The event was the first of two presidential debates to be held this season. The second will take place in September.

Biden promises restoration of Roe v. Wade

At the beginning of the debate, the moderators questioned the candidates about abortion and the repeal of Roe v. Wadein 2022. Host Bash indicated that this year will constitute “the first presidential election since the Supreme Court annulled” the ruling that in 1973 allowed the legalization of abortion throughout the United States.

Former President Trump, whose Supreme Court nominees helped overturn Roeboasted about that ruling.

“What I did was put three great Supreme Court justices on the court, and they voted to eliminate Roe v. Wade and return it to the states. This is something everyone wanted,” he said.

The presumptive Republican candidate noted that he believes in “exceptions for rape, incest and (when endangered) the life of the mother,” but noted that radical pro-abortion policies “will take the life of a child in the eighth month, the ninth month and even after birth.”

On the other hand, Biden criticized the repeal of Roe, arguing that returning abortion regulations to the states was “a little bit like saying, ‘We’re going to return civil rights to the states.’ Let each state have a different rule.’”

Biden specified that he supports the “three quarters” rule of Roe v. Wadewhich had been established by the Supreme Court in 1973. He promised that if re-elected, he would “restore Roe v. Wade”.

Trump repeatedly criticizes Biden on border security

On the issue of immigration, Trump criticized Biden’s border policy, which, according to him, has caused “the worst border in history.”

Record numbers of illegal immigrants have crossed the US southern border during Biden’s presidency, often overwhelming public and social services across the country. Trump claimed that Biden “opened our country to people in prisons, people in mental institutions, asylums, terrorists.”

“There has never been anything like this,” Trump said, referencing at one point the case of Jocelyn Nungaray, a 12-year-old Texas resident who was recently murdered, allegedly by an illegal immigrant.

Biden, meanwhile, criticized the family separation policy that the Trump administration briefly implemented at the U.S. border. The current president assured that his immigration policies had resulted in a significant reduction in illegal border crossings.

At times during the debate, Biden seemed to have difficulty expressing his thoughts, such as in the immigration segment, when he promised that, if re-elected, he would pursue a “total initiative related to what we’re going to do with more border patrols and more officers.” of asylum.”

“I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don’t think he knows what he said either,” Trump said in response.

Opioid crisis, the economy and the issue of January 6

The candidates discussed a variety of other topics throughout the 90-minute debate, including the opioid issue, which continues to wreak havoc in many parts of the United States.

Trump blamed the drug addiction crisis on Biden’s border policies, which he said have allowed more illicit substances to enter the country. Biden, for his part, called for greater technology at the border to help detect drugs such as fentanyl in transnational shipments.

On the topic of the economy — which has been suffering from high inflation for much of Biden’s first term — the president blamed Trump for the COVID crisis, as well as his economic policies, which he said resulted in “chaos.” literally”.

Trump lashed out at the Biden administration over ongoing inflation, claiming the crisis “exploded under their leadership because they spent money like a bunch of people who didn’t know what they were doing.”

At one point, the moderators also mentioned the riots on January 6, 2021, when protesters stormed the US Capitol. Critics have alleged that Trump orchestrated the incident to prevent Biden from being certified as president.

Trump was asked several times whether he would accept the results of the 2024 election regardless of who wins. “If it is a fair, legal and good election — absolutely,” Trump finally said.

Biden suggested Trump wouldn’t do it. “I doubt you’ll accept it because you’re a crybaby,” he said. “The idea that if you lose again, you’ll accept anything — you can’t stand losing.”

Translated and adapted by the ACI Prensa team. Originally published in CNA.

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