Unforgettable moments from Pope Francis’ trip to Asia and Oceania

Unforgettable moments from Pope Francis’ trip to Asia and Oceania

Pope Francis will arrive in Rome this Friday after completing the most extensive trip of his pontificate, in which he visited four countries in Asia and Oceania in just 11 days.

His time in Indonesia, Papua Guinea, East Timor and Singapore have left unforgettable moments that will last in the memories of the inhabitants of these countries and in those who have followed each of his steps. We remember some of them:

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1. Visit to the “tunnel of friendship”

In Indonesia, the largest Muslim country in the world, Pope Francis visited the so-called “tunnel of friendship,” a conduit that connects the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption, the main place of Catholic worship in Jakarta, with the Istiqlal mosque, the largest in Southeast Asia.

To promote religious coexistence, President Joko Widodo ordered the reconstruction of an ancient underground conduit to link both temples located opposite each other.

During the interreligious meeting in the mosque with the Grand Imam, Nasaruddin Umar, the Holy Father highlighted that this tunnel, far from being “a dark path that can make us afraid, especially if we are alone,” is an illuminated path.

Image of the meeting between Pope Francis and the Grand Imam, Nasaruddin Umar. Credit: Vatican Media
Image of the meeting between Pope Francis and the Grand Imam, Nasaruddin Umar. Credit: Vatican Media

2. The Pope recognizes an Indonesian girl in the crowd

Also in Indonesia, before entering the church of Our Lady of the Assumption for the meeting with bishops and religious of the country, Pope Francis seemed to recognize a girl in the crowd and stopped to greet her and give her a rosary.

Everything indicated that Pope Francis and the little girl had already had a previous meeting, perhaps during one of the previous events during his visit to Jakarta.

3. The curious hat of Pope Francis

The meeting he had with the inhabitants of Vanimo, a remote and peripheral city in Papua New Guinea where Argentine missionaries of the Incarnate Word live, left colorful and unusual images loaded with meaning.

A catechist presented him with a local hat that Pope Francis decided to wear throughout the ceremony.

Pope Francis in Vanimo. Credit: Vatican Media

4.Twelve hours under the sun: 600,000 faithful attend Mass in East Timor

Despite the high temperatures, 600,000 faithful attended Mass with the Pope in East Timor, considered one of the most Catholic countries in the world.

Many of them were waiting for the start of the Mass and for Pope Francis for hours under the sun, like the 12-year-old friends Lareina Rosa Marcia Claver and Zuizina Abigael who waited since 4 in the morning, when the Mass was scheduled for 4:30 p.m. pm (local time).

The 11-year-old friends after 12 hours in the sun. Credit: EWTN News

5. The tender moment with Silvano, a boy with paralysis

Especially endearing was the moment when, holding the hand of Silvano, a child with paralysis, the Pontiff excitedly indicated that he teaches us to “let ourselves be cared for by God, who loves us so much” and also let ourselves be cared for by the Virgin, “who She is our mother.”

This moment took place at the “Irmãs Alma” School, where the nuns take care of the most disadvantaged children with serious physical and mental disabilities.

Pope Francis shakes Silvano’s hand. Credit: Vatican Media

6. The smile of children in East Timor

On more than one occasion, Pope Francis has stated that he will never forget the smiles of the children of East Timor.

He assured that the best thing the country has “is its people” and especially, its children.

7. The airplane anecdotes

The moments that Pope Francis stars on the plane during his trips usually come loaded with anecdotes.

During the flight from Rome to Jakarta, capital of Indonesia, Pope Francis signed the soccer team jersey of little Mateo, an 11-year-old Spanish boy who was murdered in Spain while playing soccer with his friends.

One of the journalists also gave the Pontiff a glove used by a Catholic volunteer who collects garbage on the beaches of Costa Rica.

Heading to Singapore, the journalists showed how airlines East Timor, AERO DÍLI, offer their travelers the possibility of saying a prayer for a good trip for 6 different religions.

8. The rosary with sign language

Before the Mass began in the Singapore stadium, a group of Catholics could be seen praying the rosary with sign language.

9. The meeting with the elderly in Singapore

One of the moments that will remain to be remembered is the one he had with elderly and sick people in a residence in Singapore before embarking on his return trip to Rome.

Image of the meeting with elderly people on their last day in Singapore. Credit: Vatican Media
Meeting of Pope Francis with the elderly and sick of Singapore. Credit: Vatican Media

10. “A young man who does not dream is a retiree from life”

At the Dili Convention Center, on the last day of his visit to East Timor, Pope Francis encouraged young people “to dream big things,” because “a young person who does not dream is a retiree from life.”

Young people wait for Pope Francis. Credit: Daniel Ibáñez/ EWTN News

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