Traditional Mass helps to better understand the ordinary rite, says Bishop

The traditional Tridentine Mass of Saint Pius V or The old order It is the form of celebration of the Eucharist that is carried out according to the Roman Missal of 1570, reformed in 1962 by Saint John XXIII. For this celebration, Latin, the official language of the Catholic Church, is used, and both the celebrant and the assembly stand facing the altar.

After the Second Vatican Council, in 1970, Pope Paul VI promulgated a new Roman Missal, which is the one used mostly in the Latin rite Catholic Church. Since then, the language of each nation is used and the priest stands in front of the assembly.

Con el motu proprio de Benedict XVI, The supreme pontiffguidelines were given to maintain the celebration of the Eucharist according to the Tridentine rite, considered an extraordinary form, with respect to the post-conciliar rite, understood as an ordinary rite.

In 2021, Pope Francis, through Guardians of traditionestablished restrictions on the Eucharistic celebration according to the Vetus Ordo, considering that on many occasions, the use of this extraordinary form is inspired “by a rejection not only of the liturgical reform, but of the Second Vatican Council itself, affirming, with unfounded statements and unsustainable, which betrayed Tradition and the ‘true Church’.”

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