Tour of the relic of San Judas Tadeo in Mexico

For the first time, a fragment of the arm bone of Saint Jude Thaddeus visits Mexico, giving the faithful a special opportunity to venerate this sacred relic in various locations throughout the country.

At a press conference on August 18, it was reported that permission for the transfer of the relic was granted by Cardinal Angelo Donatis, vicar general of the Diocese of Rome (Italy) and member of the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints.

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The relic, which is usually kept in the Basilica of Salvatore in Lauro in Rome, will travel through Mexico in an adapted van with a panoramic view, to allow devotees to contemplate it during the journey.

Father Ricardo Valenzuela, rector of the Metropolitan Cathedral of Mexico, highlighted in the press conference that the event is “extraordinary, unique and very important, because it represents the presence of an apostle in our midst.”

What is the route of the relics of San Judas Tadeo?

The pilgrimage began on July 29 with a solemn Mass in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Mexico City. Subsequently, the relic was transferred to the church of San Hipólito, in the historic center of the Mexican capital, where it remained on August 1 and 2, so that the faithful could pay tribute to it.

During your stay in the capitalalso visited the parish of San Judas Tadeo, in Cuemanco, on August 3 and 4; the Purísima Concepción parish of Tlacopac, on August 5; and the Sanctuary of San Judas Tadeo, in the Diocese of Azcapotzalco, on August 6.

The visit to Mexico City concluded on August 11, in the cathedral of the Diocese of Xochimilco.

The relic later went to the State of Mexicostopping first in the Archdiocese of Tlalnepantla: he was in the parish of San Judas Tadeo, in the municipality of Huixquilucan, on August 7 and 8.

The relic later arrived in the Diocese of Cuautitlán, visiting the Diocesan Sanctuary of the V Apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe and the San Buenaventura Cathedral, on August 9 and 10.

In the Diocese of Izcalli, he was in the Virgen de Guadalupe and San Judas Tadeo parish, on August 12 and 13.

The Diocese of Ecatepec received the relic on August 14 and 15, with visits to the parish of San Judas Tadeo, the Calvary Chapel and the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

The trip continued towards the Diocese of Nezahualcóyotl, arriving at the Cristo del Valle and San Francisco de Asís parish; and to the Cathedral of Jesus Lord of Divine Mercy, on August 16 and 17.

On August 18, the relic was in the Cathedral of the Divine Redeemer, in the Diocese of Teotihuacán.

In the Diocese of Texcoco, the relic was exhibited in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception; in the Chapel of San Judas, in the La Purísima Concepción parish; and in the San Judas Tadeo parish, in Chimalhuacán, on August 19 and 20.

The visit to the State of Mexico concluded in the Diocese of Valle de Chalco, with stops at the Cathedral of Valle de Chalco, the Santiago Apóstol parish, the Inmaculada Concepción parish in Ozumba and the Nuestra Señora de la Asunción parish in Amecameca, on August 21 and 22.

Next, The relic was taken to the Mexican state of Tlaxcalawhere he stayed on August 23 and 24 in the parish of San José.

In the state of Pueblathe relic of San Judas Tadeo visited the Diocese of Tehuacán on August 25 and 26, with stops at the La Inmaculada Concepción Cathedral, the Nuestra Señora del Carmen parish and the San Simón and San Judas Tadeo parish, in Yehualtepec. The tour in Puebla concluded in the Archdiocese of Puebla, from August 27 to September 1.

Second stage of the tour

The relic of St. Judas Thaddeus He then went to the state of Veracruz since September 2, beginning its journey in the Archdiocese of Xalapa.

The first stop was at the parish of Saint Mary Magdalene, followed by the parish of Saint Michael the Archangel on September 3, the parish of Christ the King of the Universe on September 4, the parish of Our Lady of Candelaria on September 5, and the San Judas Tadeo parish on September 6. On September 7 and 8 it will be at the Metropolitan Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception.

In the Diocese of Orizaba, the relic was present on September 9 and 10 in the cathedral dedicated to San Miguel Arcángel, and in the parish of Santa Rosa de Lima.

In the Diocese of Córdoba, it was received from September 12 to 14, beginning at the Córdoba Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on the 12th, followed by the parish of San Antonio de Padua on the 13th and the parish of San Juan Bautista on the 14th.

The Diocese of Veracruz received the relic on September 15 in the church of San Judas Tadeo in Laguna Real and in the San Judas Tadeo parish in La Tampiquera. On September 16, he was at the Immaculate Conception of Mary and San Jude Thaddeus parish, concluding on September 17 at the Veracruz Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption.

In the Diocese of San Andrés Tuxtla, the relic was in the San Martín Obispo parish of Acayucan on September 18, in the Nuestra Señora del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús parish in Ciudad Isla on September 19, and in the Sagrario parish of the Cathedral of Saint Andrew and Saint Joseph on September 20. In the Diocese of Coatzacoalcos, he was from September 21 to 23.

In the state of Tabascoon Tuesday, September 24, arrived at the parish of the Assumption of the Virgin in Comalcalco and the parish of San Judas Tadeo in Villahermosa. On September 25, he visited the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Cathedral of the Lord of Tabasco.

On September 26, he was in the Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe parish in Dos Montes, the Nuestra Señora del Carmen parish in Macultepec and the Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Frontera parish.

The relic of Saint Jude Thaddeus continued its tour of the state of Campeche from September 27 to October 4.

On his first day in the state, he arrived at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, patron saint of the diocese. From there he visited each of the temples in the area.

On September 28, the relic arrived at the parish of Nuestra Señora de Candelaria, in the municipality of the same name. On the 29th she was transferred to the church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Later, on September 30, he was in the parish of Señor de la Misericordia, in Champotón; while on October 1 he visited the parish of Our Lady of the Assumption of Lerma, and later the Cathedral of Campeche, dedicated to Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception.

On October 2 he had a brief stay in the chapel of San Judas Tadeo and in the parish of the Sacred Heart, before heading to the church of Our Lady of the Incarnation. On October 3, he concluded his tour in the parish of San Luis Obispo, in Calkiní, where he remained until October 4, when he left for Yucatán.

In the state of Yucatan, in the Archdiocese of Mérida, on October 5, the relic began its visit in the parish of San Francisco de Asís, in Umán. On October 6 he arrived at the Cathedral of San Ildefonso, in Mérida, and on October 7 he visited the chapel of San Judas Tadeo. The next day, he moved to the San Judas Tadeo and Santos Mártires quasi-parish.

On October 9 he was at the San Juan Bautista parish, in Motul; and on October 10 he went to the church of the Santos Reyes, in Tizimín. The visit concluded on October 11 and 12 in the San Servacio parish, in Valladolid.

In the state of Quintana Roothe relic will visit the Diocese of Cancún-Chetumal from October 13 to 20, visiting various parishes. On October 13 he was at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross and the Holy Trinity, in Cancún, and on the 14th he visited the María Desatadora de Knots Sanctuary, also in Cancún.

On October 15, it was transferred to the San Judas Tadeo parish, in Playa del Carmen, while on the 16th it will arrive at the Corpus Christi church, in Cozumel. On October 17 he will be in the Santa Cruz parish, in Carrillo Puerto, and on the 18th he will visit the church of Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro, in José María Morelos.

Finally, on October 19 and 20 the relic will be in the San Judas Tadeo parish, in Chetumal, closing its tour through the diocese on October 21.

Third stage of the tour

For the third stage of its tour through the southeast of the country, it has been announced that the relic will return to Tabasco from October 21 to 23 now Tlaxcala from November 14 to 17. Then you will visit Chiapas from October 24 to November 6, Oaxaca from November 7 to 13, Veracruz from November 18 to 23, Hidalgo from November 24 to December 5, and Guerrero from December 6 to 23. The specific parishes of each state are yet to be defined.

The rest of the archdioceses and dioceses in the country still do not have defined dates. For more details about the tour and updates, you can check the official website

Originally published July 19, 2024. It has been updated with new dates for republishing.

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