Today we commemorate the 750th anniversary of the death of Saint Thomas Aquinas

Today we commemorate the 750th anniversary of the death of Saint Thomas Aquinas

Christian Year He relates that Saint Thomas had a lot of trust in the Mother of God and that is why he was considered the “favored one of Mary”, who appeared to him several times. He also had experiences of ecstasy, “some lasting for three whole days.”

On one occasion, Saint Thomas was praying before a crucifix. At that moment he went into ecstasy and Christ said to him: “Thomas, you have written well about me, what do you want me to reward you with?” The humble saint responded: “Lord, with nothing else but yourself.”

7. A key from Saint Thomas Aquinas to grow in the love of God

In a reflection on the commandmentsSaint Thomas indicated that “from experience we know that, when we endure difficult trials for someone we love, love does not collapse, but grows… And thus the saints, who endure setbacks for God, are strengthened in their love with it. .”

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