Long-haul flights are generally considered to be eight hours or more, while those that extend more than 16 grueling hours are nicknamed “ultra long distance”.
Los longer non-stop commercial flights The current routes include New York to Singapore (18 hours and 50 minutes; 15,337 kilometers) and Perth, Australia, to London (17 hours and 45 minutes; 14,500 kilometers).
Qantas Airways, Australia’s national airline, plans to operate two even longer direct flights in 2025: from Sydney to London and from Sydney to New York, journeys that will require up to 20 hours of flight.
For travelers, flying at 10,700 feet for an extended period brings its own challenges. complicationsincluding:
- little space to move,
- dry air in the cabin
- time zone changes.
Although long-haul air travel is never easy, there are some things you can do (before, during and after the flight) to make them slightly less terrible.
Tips to improve the experience on long flights
Jennifer Bagnall, 40, a communications executive who often flies between her home in Los Angeles and Sydney, believes mentally reframing the experience is an essential first step.
“Instead of looking at it as a long period in a confined space with no escape, I think of it as a long uninterrupted period without responsibilities and where they can’t contact me,” he says. “It’s very rare that you get that.”
- Pack your carry-on luggage wisely and strategize in advance.
Most likely you will have to check luggageso you carry-on must be well supplied.
In addition to any item you are going to use for entertainment, think ahead about what will help you feel most comfortable. take one change of clothes (if there is a stopover, you may find a shower at the airport), as well as a toothbrush and toothpaste, which will help you feel fresher during the trip.
make sure to bring comfortable clothing and a pair of compression stockings to prevent your feet from becoming very swollen due to so many hours of little physical activity.
“Place a hoodie” recommends Nikki Greenberg, 40, a futurist and innovation strategist from Sydney who frequently travels abroad for work. “It is comfortable, warm, covers your ears (less noise) and eyes (less light for sleeping) and creates a certain atmosphere of privacy.”
- Find a way to get as much sleep as possible.
Do everything you can to ensure that you spend much of your time on board sleeping.
Some people consider sleeping pills or melatonin supplements a must, while noise masks and headphones can reduce cabin lighting and help muffle airplane sound.

A travel pillow like the Trtl Pillow, which supports your neck, can help when you’re trying to sleep upright.
It may also be useful schedule your sleep schedule in advancedepending on when your flight (or flights) departs.
Vanessa Quincey, 33, an advertising director from Melbourne, Australia, who has lived in New York for the past decade, stays awake during the shortest leg of her trip – from New York to Los Angeles – to make sure she’s extra tired for the long second leg to Melbourne.
“Buy a ‘Do Not Disturb’ or ‘Do Not Disturb’ mask if you plan to sleep during meal service,” Vanessa said. “The mask blocks the overhead lights and ‘do not disturb’ lets the cabin crew know not to wake you up.”
- Book entertainment
Plan how you are going to occupy the rest of the time on board: a 10-episode narrative bridge of a television series lasts much longer than a movie.
You can check the airline’s website to see what in-flight entertainment will be available on your flight.

Be sure to download TV shows, movies, podcasts and music to your devices before arriving at the airport and having to rely on a spotty Wi-Fi connection.
Bring a good book that you have decided to read. I have some on hand offline games which you can play on your phone or iPad. And don’t forget to provide yourself with a portable booster charger.
Patrick Quade, 52, the creator of a technology company from New South Wales, Australia, has made the trip between the United States and his country more than twenty-five times. Recommends setting a goal that takes more than 20 hours to complete.: “Learn to edit with Adobe Premiere well enough to make a three-minute video with different cuts and a soundtrack.”
- Essential: stay hydrated
The air on board is extremely dry. Pack one decent moisturizerlip balm, lubricating eye drops, and a small nasal spray.

Try to avoid alcohol and drink as much water as you can during the flight: bringing your own empty water bottle to fill at the airport after customs can help with this goal. To maximize hydration, powdered vitamins or electrolytes can be added to the water.
- Move whenever you can
Many people prefer the aisle seat so you can get up frequently without disturbing whoever is in the seat next to you.
Before making your reservation, research the design and model of the aircraft on websites such as SeatGuru to find Where do you have the most legroom?. I made some stretching while waiting in line to go to the bathroom and walk a few laps around the terminal during a layover to get your blood circulating.
- Think about it after you arrive at your destination
Without a doubt the most important thing is Never take a nap if you land during the dayas tempting as it may be after a strenuous flight.
“This is really difficult when you fly to Australia because you usually land early in the morning,” says Nathan Weinrich, who has been traveling to Australia from New Jersey for eight years.
“But how quickly you adapt to the new time zone like that makes a big difference.”
The New York Times. Special for Clarín
Translation: Román García Azcárate