Thursday of the Octave of Easter 2024

Thursday of the Octave of Easter

Today, Thursday, April 4, we celebrate the fifth day of the Easter Octave. The Gospel reading is taken again from the story of Saint Luke (Lk 24, 35-48), who tells us what happened immediately after the return, from Emmaus, of the two disciples who met Jesus on the road.

When they both arrived at the place where the apostles were, they told them everything that happened, and how they had recognized Jesus “when breaking the bread.” Suddenly, Jesus appeared among them. And although he greeted them with peace, everyone present was filled with fear. “Do not be afraid, it is I,” the Lord tells them. Jesus has perceived the fear or doubts that he has produced, and calls them to trust and believe: “Look at my hands and my feet. “It’s me in person.” However, the disciples seemed unable to get out of his stupor, although he began to mix with joy. “Do you have anything to eat here?” Jesus asks with the intention of confirming that he is there in body and spirit. Furthermore, the question about food evokes familiarity and closeness, interrupted by the process that condemned Jesus to death. Now, the friends are reunited again, and at the heart of the joy of reunion is the Master, who will return to the Scriptures to explain how all the prophecies about the Messiah have been fulfilled. Finally, the disciples’ “understanding was opened” and they understood the meaning of what was written centuries ago. However, the story does not have to end there. Jesus announces that “in his name the need to turn to God for the forgiveness of sins was to be preached to all nations, beginning with Jerusalem.”

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