Thousands are concentrated in Madrid for Children’s Day to be born: each life is worth it

Thousands of people have concentrated this Sunday in Madrid in the annual march on the occasion of the child’s day to be held every March 25, coinciding with the solemnity of the announcement and incarnation of the Lord.

After completing the tour planned on foot without incident, with the help of more than 400 volunteers, the central act presented by Paloma Zafrilla, young provida, and Guillermo Esteban, Spanish musician before known as Grilex, began with the reading of a manifesto.

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It claimed the right to the life of every human being that must “be treated according to their unique dignity, at all stages of its existence” and all laws against human life were rejected.

The manifesto also advocated “showing what hides, manipulates and destroys antivide ideology” and urged those who have political and social responsibility “not to ignore the severity of the issue, to dedicate all human and material resources to the service of human life and to work so that no illegitimate and perverse law is in force in our legal system.”

The testimonial chapter was headed by Marta and Miguel, a marriage with nine children, the youngest of which Pedro, suffers from Prune-Belly syndrome, a reason that has been aborted in Spain in 90% of cases.

Marta and Miguel also were offered to end their son’s life, but they rejected him flat: “Every life of my children is worth it,” Marta said with conviction.

In a room, before seven doctors who asked them to abort, they replied: “We are a Christian family.” Then, they were transferred that they would put all the means at their disposal, in the confidence that “it would be God who would decide on the life of Peter,” his mother explained.

In addition to Prune-Belly SyndromePedro is affected by amniotic flanges syndrome, lacks a leg, suffers from renal failures and other serious malformations. “We don’t know the time you will live, but it’s alive,” Marta proclaimed.

“Pedro did not have to be born. Pedro is a happy child who transmits the joy of living, gratitude despite the suffering. For us it is a gift to see that suffering makes sense. Pedro has broken the barrier of that suffering without meaning and that there is hope,” added his mother before those present.

Marta and Miguel, with their nine children, gave testimony in the Main march of Madrid of 2025. Credit: Platform yes to life.
Marta and Miguel, with their nine children, gave testimony in the Main march of Madrid of 2025. Credit: Platform yes to life.

For his part, Miguel claimed the institutions less bureaucratic obstacles “is 8 months old and they just given us the disability, they have just given us the agency we are still waiting for early care and we have to claim because everything gives us badly,” he lamented.

“The light that I was looking for in the dark”

The second testimony was starring María Elena, who after the pandemic, without work and four other children, raised for economic issues to abort his fifth son: “It excites me a lot when I see him for the decision I was going to make before,” he confessed.

Providence wanted, when leaving an abortion business in Madrid, he would find the support of a group of volunteers belonging to the Rescuedores Juan Pablo II association, a group to help women at risk of aborting: “It was the light that I was looking for in the dark,” said Marcos’ mother, who kept being noticed on stage.

“We had come forward with four. We doubted it.

María Elena concluded her testimony with a message to women who consider aborting: “Life is not a rose path, but it is worth living.”

María Elena was about to abort her fifth child in an abortion business in Madrid. Credit: Platform yes to life.
María Elena was about to abort her fifth child in an abortion business in Madrid. Credit: Platform yes to life.

As in previous years, an ultrasound was performed on stage and the heartbeat called Jesus, six months of prenatal life, which was prior to the minute of silence and the release of balloons in memory of the thousands of aborted human beings.

The president of the Spanish Federation of Provida associations, Alicia Latorre, expressed her conviction that it is “a march full of meaning, commitment and unity” in which “joy is breathed because the good, the right thing is defended, because we do not lose hope.”

Despite this, he acknowledged that “we spend especially difficult moments not only for having some antivide laws disguised as progress and compassion, but because the truth is pursued and certain lives are despised,” the organization has collected in a statement sent to the media.

The demonstration concluded with a concert and the announcement that the next call will take place on March 22, 2026.

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