This way you can consecrate yourself to San Miguel Arcángel from Mexico

The Mexican priest further explains that “a devotion to a saint or an angel can be formally concluded through a stable commitment, just as, for example, two friends ratify their friendship with a pact or an alliance. The person commits to obey, collaborate, and work for the glory of God. This form of cooperation is called ‘consecration’.”

After remembering that numeral 1350 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church no. 350 states that “the Angels collaborate in all our good works”, Father Hayen emphasizes that “by a commitment as a consecration to them, we can be more aware of this heavenly help, and they can defend us more effectively against evil spirits” .

“Especially in our current time, when the fallen Angels, the demons, seem to have so much influence over our world and human beings, we need the help of the Holy Angels more,” he adds.

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