With the purpose of reaffirming its policy of offering opportunities to the youngest in the labor market, Mercedes-Benz Trucks and Buses started TRUCKCion Future. This is a training program that trains new talents so that, based on the knowledge acquired in real work spaces, they can have fundamental tools to enter the industry.
For the development of this project, the automotive terminal joined with its Dealer Network and the Pescar Foundationwhich has been in the country for two decades with the purpose of “educating for work” and proudly has “75,000 beneficiaries” since it began its task in 2003.
“Mercedes-Benz Trucks and Buses has been operating in the country as an independent company for two years,” he stressed. Gonzalo Rodino, Institutional Relations Manager of Mercedes-Benz Trucks and Buses. And among the achievements they had in that period, he recalled: “We bet on national production, we made investments in the country to acquire a new property and we opened an export market for our bus chassis.”
While achieving these goals, they thought about one that is equally important to the others: “leave a mark in the community” so that these interns are prepared to work in Mercedes-Benz Trucks and Buses or in another company by virtue of the knowledge they acquire during their learning period.
“That was the proposal, and Together with the Dealer Network, we approach the Pescar Foundation to develop this program that seeks to give a future to the kids who participate in it,” adds Rodiño.
This is how Mercedes-Benz Trucks and Buses’ TRUCKCionar Futuro program works to train new talents.
In this days, 21 young people from 7 locations in different parts of the country are going through the final stage of their training. They will soon be prepared to enter their first job in the sector and perform in different areas related to the work that must be done daily in an automobile dealership.
Mercedes-Benz Trucks and Buses: TRUCK’s footprintCionar Future
The initiative TRUCKCion Future began last July with the stage of selection of young people between 18 and 29 years old. It will extend until February 2024, including different training stages and observation instances at the concessionaires’ operational headquarters.
Of course The work of the Pescar Foundation was essential. Silvia Urangaits director, explained a little about what it was about: “The intensive training courses that we usually carry out begin with free registration, a selection that has to do with observing the desire to learn and the need for financial assistance of the applicants. to access this type of training and, then, the training begins.”

“We noticed that For all the people who signed up for the program, it was a dream to work for Mercedes-Benz Trucks and Buses, it was something they wanted to achieve for their future. Along these lines, it was also very important to see the commitment that the company had with this project,” added the director of the Pescar Foundation.
The Foundation has been working in the country for 20 years, with the purpose of pursuing the social and labor inclusion of young people and adults who want to progress, “have a life project and achieve everything they dream of through their work,” contributed Silvia Uranga.
Rodiño marked a program item TRUCKCion Future which adds up: “We did everything with a group of volunteers, who are the company’s own employeesand who donated their time, their knowledge and their desire to teach to prepare the classes.”

More data that adds up to thinking about the future of the country. When they opened registration for the program, There were 523 young people who signed up and, once the selection is made, They had zero attrition throughout the entire project.
“That information made us realize the need and desire that the children have to participate and how they were waiting for such an opportunity. Mercedes-Benz Trucks and Buses He had many achievements in these two years, but this contribution we are making is without a doubt one of the most important,” he adds.
Bruno Gómez He started working at his uncle’s auto shop last summer. And when he saw this opportunity to join the program, he couldn’t believe it. Today, He is one of the scholarship holders who are at the end of the training..

“I took away a lot of knowledge professionally but also personally.Not to mention the entire technical part, thanks to what they taught us the instructors of the Mercedes-Benz Training Center about engines, safety and hygiene, sustainability and many other topics,” he said, satisfied with such an experience.
Another of the scholarship recipients is Juan Merodo who said that he gets much more than he expected from TRUCKCion Future. “I am very happy, we all are, I have high expectations and a lot of motivation to continue with my career, progress and always continue training. “It’s a happy day.”
The success of Mercedes-Benz Trucks and Buses in the country
Mercedes-Benz Trucks and Buses emerged in December 2021 as the subsidiary of Daimler Truck AG in Argentina. It has just celebrated its second anniversary, and in this context the training program for young talents to enter the labor market is framed.

The company operates in Argentina to serve the cargo and passenger transportation segments. Has its own production line at the Juan Manuel Fangio Industrial Center, in the town of Virrey del Pino, in La Matanza. Accelo and Atego trucks and OH and OF bus chassis are produced on that property.
Furthermore, there operates the first and only Reman Plant in the country, where original parts of Mercedes-Benz Trucks and Buses products are remanufactured to be reinserted into the market with the guarantee of the German brand. Among them, engines, gearboxes, cylinder covers, oil pumps and water pumps, of trucks and/or buses.
The subsidiary of Daimler Truck AG in the country It has more than 500 people directly employed, in addition to another 2,000 who work in the commercial network, which has 45 service points distributed throughout the country.

Within these first two years of operation Mercedes-Benz Trucks and Buses announced investments in Argentina for 50 million dollarswhich will be used for the construction of a logistics and auto parts center located in the Buenos Aires town of Zárate, whose start of operations is expected for the second half of 2024.