This is how the X-Men Nightcrawler convinced Wolverine to pray in a Catholic church

This is how the X-Men Nightcrawler convinced Wolverine to pray in a Catholic church

Later in the episode, when the monastery where Nightcrawler lived is destroyed, the mutant assures the X-Men: “It was a great tragedy, but it was only stone and cement, what God has founded in our hearts can never be destroyed.”

Nightcrawler then gives Wolverine a Bible and tells him that he underlined specific verses for him to look at later. The episode ends with Wolverine kneeling before the Cross on the altar of a Catholic church and praying: “I will thank you, O Lord, because even though you are angry with me and forget your fury and comfort me, I will trust and will not be afraid.”

It is an adaptation of the biblical passage from Isaiah 12, 1-2: “I thank you, Lord, because you were angry with me, but your anger has turned away and you have comforted me. This is the God of my salvation: I have confidence and do not fear, because the Lord is my strength and my protection; “He was my salvation.”

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