“Improper use of protected areas represents a significant risk to ecological balancebiodiversity and the quality of natural resources, directly affecting the health and well-being of human communities.”
With this statement, Judge Andrés Granja, of the Federal Justice of the state of Alagoasin the Northeast of Brazil, ordered the “immediate suspension” of the tourist activities practiced in the Blue Lagoona natural lagoon of great beauty located in Praia de Antunes, in Maragogiwhich stands out for the presence of coral reefs.
The judicial decision is a consequence of an action carried out by the Federal Public Ministry (MPF), in which questioned the legality of a municipal decree of 2022 that allowed the tourist exploitation of the area, known as the “Brazilian Caribbean” for its landscapes, its white sands and its crystal clear waters.
But Judge Granja highlighted that these activities were permitted by the decree of almost three years ago. do not comply with environmental standards of the Environmental Protection Area (APA) Costa dos Corais, the largest marine conservation unit in Brazil, created in 1997, and determined the annulment of that decreeaccording to the Brazilian newspaper O Globo.
The APA Costa dos Corais (Coral Coast) covers 120 km of coast between Tamandaré (Pernambuco state) and Maceió (capital of the state of Alagoas) and protects great biodiversity that includes threatened species such as the manatee and several species of sea turtles. . Additionally, it houses the largest barrier reef in the country.
“Irreversible damage”
The now annulled municipal decree of 2022 allowed visits to the area of up to three catamarans and 40 boats per dayin addition to the provision of some commercial services, such as diving and photography, without the need to carry out prior technical studies or consult the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio), which is in charge of managing the Costa dos Corais APA.

But studies that were carried out later, and that were cited in the ruling, highlight that the anchoring of boats with the consequent pollution they cause, the trampling of visitors and the alteration of the local fauna cause “irreversible damage” to coral reefscompromising both your current health and your ability to recover in the future.
The magistrate’s decision also establishes the revocation of permits for tourist activities in the area, the reinforcement of inspection by the competent organizations during the next three months, and the need to carry out awareness campaigns to inform the population about the suspension of activities, under penalty of daily fines in case of non-compliance.
Maragogi is home to one of the greatest coral reefs in the world’s biodiversityand visiting the natural pools, such as those at Praia de Barra Grande, is one of the most popular tours in the region, highlighted O Globo.