They present in Mexico the liturgical book masses of the Virgin Mary

The book Masses of the Virgin Mary, a compilation of liturgical texts for the celebration of masses in honor of the Mother of God was presented in Mexico.

The Mexican Episcopate Conference, through the Episcopal Commission for the Liturgical Pastoral, chaired by Mons. Víctor Sánchez Espinosa, Archbishop of Puebla, presented the Mexican edition of this liturgical book.

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During the press conferenceMons. Sánchez Espinosa recalled that this collection of masses was approved by Pope San Juan Paul II and promulgated by the then Congregation for Divine Worship on August 15, 1986, although so far a version for Mexico had not been published.

Fr. Jonathan Arellano Verdejo, executive secretary of the Episcopal Commission for the liturgical pastoral, explained that the book is presented in two volumes.

The first among other things, contains the misal, which includes 46 forms, all preceded by an introduction, which are distributed following the order of the times that make up the liturgical year: three forms for the time of Advent; Six forms for Christmas time; five forms in the time of Lent; four forms in Easter time; and twenty -eight forms in ordinary time.

The second volume contains the biblical readings assigned to each of the masses, with the responsorial psalm, the acclamation before the gospel, and the gospels.

In addition, this edition includes the votive masses of Santa María de Guadalupe, present at the Roman Missal. He also pointed out at the press conference that in future editions the inclusion of masses dedicated to local Marian advocations, such as the Virgin of Zapopan and the Virgin of San Juan de los Lagos, could be considered.

When can the masses of the blessed Virgin Mary be celebrated?

According to the literal pastoral, the celebration of the Masses of Santa María is “allowed in those days in which, according to the general instruction of the Roman Missal, votive masses or for various circumstances can be held.”

Fr. Arellano Verdejo explained that the initiative arose because in the Roman Missal the celebrations of the Virgin “are numerically insufficient and fail to sufficiently reflect the doctrinal wealth that mariology has achieved.”

He also warned that since the conception of these books “it was” avoided at all costs to foster a devotionalism that (La) kept the cult of the Virgin separately with respect to the celebration. ” For this reason, it was decided that each form begins with a Christological introduction.

This book is expected to have a special presence in the Marian sanctuaries of Mexico, where masses are often held in honor of the Virgin Mary, as well as in various ecclesial communities that wish to commemorate it on Saturdays of ordinary time.

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