They met on a trip, they built a motorhome and take their art around the world

They met on a trip, they built a motorhome and take their art around the world

The press release presents Lolita Campos as “a restless young writer who loves to travel”; already Manu Pozzias “a musician who decided to travel the world hand in hand with his songs.”

Two travelers who began to cross their stories in Africa, continued virtually andand it became concrete much later in Utah, United States.

Let’s start at the beginning: Lolità I had been traveling alone for several years through America, from Argentina to the north, backpacking. By bus, hitchhiking, sometimes by plane. “Once they invited me to do a volunteering in Mozambique, and being in a remote community I found a guitar with writings in Spanish and very Argentine phrases. I asked whose it was and they told me It had been from an Argentine boy called Manu Pozzi. Then I started listening to his songs,” says Lolità.

Manu completes the story by saying that he worked with social projects in Argentina, and with friends he started the “Somos del mundo” project, to build classrooms in rural schools from Mozambique. Every time he went to Africa, he toured other countries, interested in local cultures.

“I was in native, traditional communities. And since I was an audiovisual fan, I started filming a documentary; every time I traveledfilmed about traditional music”, dice.

That documentary was edited independently and presented in theaters, with the aim of raising funds for the project. “Every year volunteers traveled to Mozambique, and I was one of them,” he notes.

A year has passed since that event, coincidence? when, while Lolità was in Colombia, she sent her family a song by Manu (“Home”) with a photo of Colombia to deceive them, because she was about to take a flight to Buenos Aires and I wanted to come as a surprise.

Manu & Lolita

“They answered me that that song was by a boy whose father is the son of a godfather of… there was a connection with my family. So I wrote to Manu on Facebook and we started talking every day. for a year, without seeing each other”.

When he received the message, Manu I was in Alaska beginning his journey through America towards the South, the opposite of Lolità. “Months later, while in Costa Rica, I found out that my favorite band was playing in Los Angeles, and I wanted to go. Manu was having a season like chair in a ski center from Utah, and he invited me to go see him,” he notes.

Lolità was left without a ticket for the concert, but Manu insisted: “Now you’ve got me excited, come anyway,” he asked her. “It made me dizzy,” Lolità remembers, “but I did it: I flew on February 12, 2017; He went to pick me up at the airport in his van; He took a few days off from work and together we traveled through the Utah desert”.

He says that it was he who threw out the idea of ​​continuing traveling together; She doubted her, but she didn’t leave, leaving her postcards and “a swimsuit, so she could come to Costa Rica, where I had a place on the beach.” Manu went, and soon Lolità sold her part of the business and they returned together to the United States, where They began their journey on the roadn.

Through America, with a stopover in Spain

Shortly after starting, the musician Adrián Berra invited them to open a concert in Valencia: that one It was the first time that Lolità read in public. It was 2017, and I had recently self-published a new book. “I went up on stage with a couple of too many drinks because I was embarrassed, and when I came down I said ‘I’ll never do this again.’‘. And here we are.” laughs.

In 2018 presented his first book in Argentinaat the Margaita Xirgu theater in Buenos Aires, and then they resumed the trip with the van from Mexico, now with a new dynamic: doing shows, with readings from her book and his songs, and composing: while she was writing her second book, he released a new album.

took them almost three years to arrive in Argentinawith many anecdotes along the way, marriage included: “We got married in Itamambuca, a nature reserve near Ubatuba, in Brazil. A wedding on the beach, very hippie and full of love, with our entire family, about 100 guests,” says Lolità.

And he says that on their trip they mixed the loneliness of “secret places that no one knows about” with poetry and music shows, which were becoming more and more frequent. “A chain hired us and we played in 24 of its hotels. Y on Instagram we were looking for bars that might be interested. At first we did it for 5 or 6 people, and we grew little by little until we made a Colosseum for 2,000 peoplein April of last year.”

That is also why the trip changed, from “waking up every day in a different place” to a career that began to grow and shows, concerts and contracts that began to impose their conditions.

From that trip, they agree to highlight how Central America surprised them, especially for the warmth of the people, but also for the culture and nature. And especially, Guatemala. “There is impressive culture and nature. We climb the Acatenango volcano to see the Fuego Volcano erupting from the front overnight; “It impacted us a lot,” says Manu.

And Lolità adds: “Also a place called Semuc Champey, it’s crazy. In the middle of nowhere, it has incredible green and turquoise lagoons and natural pools.”

What’s coming, with Amapola on board

In Argentina they were surprised by the pandemic, with Lolità pregnant. They decided to sell the van and buy a used school bus that they transformed into a motorhome with recycled wood and disused materials. “It turned out spectacular,” Lolità enthuses.

In 2020, their daughter Amapola was born, and now being three, They toured Argentina twice in the motorhome. “And there is no daddy who gives the card, we do it all ourselves, with our lungs, the result of effort and work; We feel proud,” says Lolità.

After this time in Argentina carrying energy and family hugs, Manu & Lolità they start a new touralthough now they are “Manu, Lolita & Poppy”because this new adventure is for the three of us.

The first step will be theFarewell Concert”, on Sunday, April 7 at 6 p.m. at Ciudad Cultural Konex, in which Lolità will share fragments of her four books, intertwined with songs from Manu’s five albums. They will be accompanied by their band: guitarist Ignacio Gulias, Christian Silvosa on keyboards, Mauro Saini on bass and Lorenzo Guller Frers on drums.

“After the concert we will begin to go up the Atlantic coast; We planned more than a month in Uruguay and then Brazil to Itamambuca, with the idea of ​​making a votes renovation or a ceremony alluding to our marriage,” says Manu.

From there they will go to Rio de Janeiro and then cross to Paraguaywhere they have long had invitations to give concerts, and Bolivia. “The idea is to continue then Peru, Ecuador y Colombiaalthough The plans will be made as we progress”, says Manu sincerely.

Y also depending on Poppy, how you feel and what they see you need. “She loves to travel, when we get to a place we go to a square and she stops to see who might be her next friends, and she immediately tells them about her little house on the bus. She is 3 and a half years old, she doesn’t stop dancing and singing; She is a fan of Miley Cyrus and says she is ‘writing’. She is a happy girl, even with the disadvantages of traveling,” says Lolitá.

“Living on the road has its pros and cons,” admits Manu; some things are lost and others are gained. We will try capture the best of both worldsand later she will be the one who will tell us what she wants to do.”

On board Lolità will take her four published books, which are also found in bookstores. And they will start with the support of some brands that have been with them for a long time.

Although What always moves them is the help of people, which she defines as “great, always eager to help, with all the cool. There are people who ask us to know the motohrome, they get excited, they congratulate us and It makes us feel like we are fulfilling a long-held dream.s”.

Manu agrees: “People are very supportive. We had a van from ’95 and now a bus from ’99, and whenever something breaks, a mechanic appears to help. he fixes it and doesn’t want to charge usso just in case we brought some wines to give as gifts.”

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