They launch the first tourist circuit about Mama Antula, the Argentine saint who canonized Pope Francis

As happened at the time with the Camino del Cura Brochero in Córdoba -although in that case it was an initiative of the provincial government-, the Argentine saint Mother Antula (1730-1799), recently canonized by Pope Francis, already has its tourist route.

What is it about? The tour consists of a walking tour through the center of the city of Buenos Aires, where the most important events occurred in the life and work of this religious figure from the province of Santiago del Estero.

The excursion can be booked through the Civitatis platform, a specialist in online distribution of guided tours and excursions in Spanish, with more than 89,000 activities in 3,800 destinations in 160 countries.

María Antonia de Paz y Figueroa, also known as Santa María Antonia de San José or Mama Antula (a nickname in Quichua given to her by the indigenous people) became a consecrated Christian laywoman, founder of the Daughters of the Divine Savior.

In 2010 she was considered by Pope Benedict XVI as “venerable” after recognizing that she practiced Christian virtues to a heroic degree; In 2016 she was declared blessed by Pope Francis, and on February 11, 2024, she was canonized by the Supreme Pontiff.

The tour

Throughout this tourist circuit of approximately 2 and a half hours, and with the help of a specialized guide and expert in the history and devotion of the nun, “participants will be able to learn about and experience the most relevant places and moments in her career and the reasons why she decided to take a path different from the conventional one for a woman of those times,” they explain in Civitatis.

The Mama Antula Tour lasts 2 and a half hours. Photo Civitatis

The Mama Antula Tour begins in Plaza Lorea in the capital of Buenos Aires, and stops at the Basilica of Our Lady of Piety, the temple located in the San Nicolás neighborhood where her remains rest, while the origins and the legacy of his mission.

The walk continues at the church of San Miguel Arcángel and then in the Plaza de Mayo, passing by the Casa Rosada and the Metropolitan Cathedral of Buenos Aires.

Inside the church you can see an image of Mama Antula, and it is there where the guide explains the reasons why she is portrayed with habits, without being a nun.

Walking tour of Buenos Aires following the life and work of Mama Antula.  Photo CivitatisWalking tour of Buenos Aires following the life and work of Mama Antula. Photo Civitatis

In the Plaza de Mayo, stops are also made in front of the Buenos Aires Cabildo and the Otto Wulff building, where the link that these places had with Mama Antula is revealed.

The itinerary includes the parish of Our Lady of Montserrat and ends at the Museum of the Holy House of Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, which was built on the initiative of the Argentine saint.

This circuit invites you to “discover the steps of a kind woman, of great spirituality and at the same time revolutionary for the time, who challenged social rules and represents an example of courage and empowerment.”

How much does it cost

Those interested can access this tour through the following link: booking up to 24 hours in advance.

Mama Antula already has a tourist circuit.  Photo CivitatisMama Antula already has a tourist circuit. Photo Civitatis

The price for adults is $13,000 per person, and children from 2 to 13 years old pay $6,500 each.

“With Holy Week approaching and by virtue of the recent canonization of Mama Antula, we are sure that this tour will be in great demand not only by Argentine travelers interested in the history and culture of the emblematic characters of our country, but also by tourists from other latitudes, since the significance of the religious has crossed the limits of our border,” said Nicolás Posse, country manager of Civitatis Argentina.

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