He chess Argentina is news in the world because two national prodigies dominate in their respective categories with a truly amazing rise that seems unstoppable. Faustino Oro He is the youngest international teacher in history and the world number one among Under 12s in classical and fast rhythms. AND Ilan Schnaider He is the leader of the Sub 13 ranking in rhythm blitz and he is one standard away from being an international teacher.
Well, they both received excellent news because the International Chess Federation invited them to participate in the quick game World Cups and blitz which in the last week of the year will be held for the first time in New York. A dream come true for both, although Oro already played last year’s edition in Uzbekistan.
But as if it were a bad wink of fate, which sometimes does not allow us to celebrate a good one in full, the family of Faust lives a situation of disbelief and anger because a fake is not only posing as a supposed manager, arranging commitments and participations of the child in tournaments that he will never play, but also reported the Instagram account @faustiorowhich has been closed since Tuesday night. Of not believing how far human misery goes.
World Cup winners
There is no chess player in the world who does not know who Faustino Oro is, because his achievements have been gigantic since Four years ago he learned to play chess during a pandemicas a resource so that it would not destroy the living from the department in San Cristóbal with balls.
What mom Romina and dad Alejandro never imagined is that, literally, your son is a genius with the pieces on the board. The real and the virtual, because online wreaks havoc every week against grandmasters.
Well, as at 10 years, 8 months and 16 days he became the youngest international master in history and his attraction grew, the International Chess Federation focused its attention on him and responded to the request of Mario Petrucci, executive director of the Argentine Chess Federation, made by the family of Faust so his son could compete in New York. And FIDE gave the OK for the invitation.
The same thing happened with Ilan Schnaider, former world number one under 8, who at 13 years old is soon on his way to being an international master, the title prior to grandmaster. His family made the same request to Petrucci and FIDE also gave its approval so that the kid can debut in quick game World Cups and blitz.

With the participation of the best players in the world, these two championships will take place between Christmas and New Year, as in recent editions. The one in 2023 generated more than 250 million visits on networks and it is expected that this year will break the record.
How are these tournaments played? The Quick Games World Cup is played 13 rounds with a rhythm of 15 minutes per teacher, plus 10 seconds for each movement. Usually there are five games on the first day and four on the following two days. Meanwhile, the World Cup blitz is done next, 21 wheels: 11 one day and 10 the second. The rhythm is 3 minutes per chess player, plus 2 seconds per move.
The impostor
Faustino Oro and his parents, who quit their jobs as accountants in companies top of the country and decided to go to Spain so that their son could have a higher level of competition in pursuit of his dream, they were celebrating the excellent news of the invitation to New York when an unexpected shock came: a scammer pretends to be the kid’s manager.
“A person wrote to me from Mexico to tell me that he had agreed with the manager of Faust to do an activity. And Fausti doesn’t have a manager! You may charge people in advance and obviously later Faust will never appear because this guy is a fake,” explains Alejandro Oro, the chess player’s father, to Clarion from Badalona.

In a chat In a private Instagram account contributed by Faustino’s father, you can read the conversation between Valentina, a Mexican who is looking for professional players for a project, and a certain Emmanuel, who introduces himself as “the manager of Faust” from the @Faustichess account, and above it he writes: “My first language is English. I hope it doesn’t affect the conversation.” A real chanta well barked.
“Alert to the situation, this person from Mexico gave me the scammer’s phone number, which has a number from the Balearic Islands. I wrote to him and He reported Fausti’s Instagram account (@faustioro) and it was closed. “Not to believe,” Alejandro said.
Faustino’s family asks all fans of their son and chess – and all good people, bah – to join the crusade of report the Instagram account @Faustichess of the faker. “If you look at the account information, he changed the name ten times. It is clear that he uses it to scam people,” Alejandro Oro added.
The campaign began to give checkmate the imposter that intends to profit from the talent of a minor. To attack from all sides then to corner and defeat this false king who does not even reach the height of a pawn.
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