They fell on penalties with Holland in the final of the Junior World Cup in Chile

They caressed the trophy The Little Lions. They had it within reach for almost the entire final of the Junior World Cup in Santiago de Chile. But they ended up escaping in an Australian penalty shoot-out in which Netherlands It was pure forcefulness and in which the Argentines had no aim.

It was a 4-1 defeat (after 2-2 in regulation time) against the Dutch, who won their fifth ecumenical title. The albiceleste team could not add its third crown, but it celebrated a nice individual award, because Mercedes Artola was chosen as Best Archer of the tournament.

On the field of the National Stadium of Ñuñoa, where recently The lioness won the Pan American gold, the team led by Juan Martin Lopez He was much superior in the first half, in which he played orderly, moving the ball without rushing, and set the pace.

With two penalty corner goals in the second quarter of Zoe Diaz and the captain Valentina Raposothe most experienced of the team (who was already Olympic and world runner-up with the senior team), Las Leoncitas went into the long break 2-0 up.

Hurried by the score, the Dutch went out to find the goals in the second half, increased the pressure, went forward on the field and found the tie. Mickey Roberts He scored 5 minutes into the third quarter and made it 2-2 with three left, in both cases of penalty corners.

The tie led to the Australian penalties, which the Netherlands won clearly to repeat their celebration from last year.

“I am very proud. I expected the team to show dedication, unity and play. All that appeared, but it was not reflected in the result,” analyzed the Argentine coach.

“We didn’t win it by very little. Being 2-0 up against the Netherlands in a final is no guarantee of anything. It was a very even final against a very good opponent and we were up to the task. It is a very meritorious runner-up for these little girls,” López added. “The best thing this group has is the willingness to learn, the discipline to train and a lot of talent for the future. I know that many will be playing in a few years for the Lionesses.”

Argentina added its seventh world medal and fourth silver. He was champion in 1993, in Terrassa, Spain, and in 2016, an edition that was also played in the Chilean capital and in which he had defeated the Netherlands. He had already finished second in 2001, 2009 and 2013 and also added a third place in 1997.

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